Medieval Memoria Research


20 - 23 March 2019

18th International Conference of the Association “Danses macabres d’Europe”

The Association “Danses macabres d’Europe” was founded in France in 1987. Over the years professors, curators, collectors and artists interested in Danses macabres (Dances of Death) have created study groups in Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Germany and Austria. Following in the tradition of previous conferences held in France (Chartres, Kientzheim, Vendôme, Rouen and Troyes), Switzerland (Ettiswyl and Lucerne), Italy (Clusone and Turin), Germany (Straubing, Füssen and Kassel), Belgium (Ghent), Austria (Metnitz), and Romania (Sibiu), the conference in Paris will serve as an important meeting place for fruitful discussion among scholars coming from all over Europe.

For more information, see the Call for Papers.