Medieval Memoria Research


The following list gives an overview of all of the publications which have been announced in MMR over the years. Please note that there is a comprehensive memoria bibliography available on the MeMO portal page. However, the bibliography focusses entirely on publications concerning memoria in the Low Countries, while the following list also includes publications about the medieval memorial culture in other countries.

2006200720082009 – 2010201120122013 – 2014201520162017201820192020


  • Ronald van Belle, Vlakke grafmonumenten en memorietaferelen met persoonsafbeeldingen in West-Vlaanderen: een inventaris, funeraire symboliek en een overzicht van het kostuum (Brugge, 2006).
  • Douglas Brine, Piety and Purgatory: Wall-mounted memorials from the southern Netherlands, c.1380-1520 (London, 2006).


  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007).
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘The Medieval Gift as Agent of Social Bonding and Power’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 17-39.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Afterword: the Study of Gift Giving since the 1990s’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 40-50.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Beyond Legal Sources: Contextualizing Charters of Gift’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 51-61.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘A Glove on the Altar: Profane Symbols and Sacred Rituals’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 62-82.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Gift Exchange, Landed Property, and Eternity: the Priory of Postel’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 83-123.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Commemorating Patrons and Gifts in Monastic Chronicles’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 124-157.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘In mei memoriam: Hollow Phrase or Intentional Formula?’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 158-187.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Eternal Life, Perpetual Glory: Memorializing Donors and Founders’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 188-214.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘In Honour Bound: Give and Take’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 215-229.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Appealing to the Mighty Vindicator: Canons and Laymen in Conflict’, in: Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries, Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld (Hilversum, Verloren, 2007), 230-246.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Review of: H. Tummers, H. Kurvers, A. Reinstra and H. Tolboom, Bestendige vergankelijkheid. Het gerestaureerde grafmonument voor Frederik van Renesse (Zeist, 2004)’, in: Noordbrabants Historisch Jaarboek 24 (2007), 211-212.
  • Douglas Brine, ‘Campin’s Contemporaries: Painting in Tournai in the Early Fifteenth Century’, in: Campin in Context. Peinture et société dans la vallée de l’Escaut à l’époque de Robert Campin 1375-1445, ed. L. Nys and D. Vanwijnsberghe (Valenciennes, Brussels & Tournai, 2007), 101-112.
  • J. Deploige, ‘Twisten via heiligen. Over de hagiografische dialoog tussen de Gentse abdijen van Sint-Pieters en Sint-Baafs, 941-1079’, in: Handelingen der Maatschappij voor Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde van Gent 61 (2007), 27-78.
  • J. Deploige, ‘Eremitische helden, verdrongen vaderfiguren. Over moeizame institutionaliseringsprocessen en selectieve herinnering in de middeleeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden’, in: Trajecta. Religie, cultuur en samenleving in de Nederlanden 16 (2007), 289-310.
  • Susanne Franke, ‘Between status and spiritual salvation: The Portinari triptych and Tomasso Portinari’s concern for his memoria’, in: Simiolus 33 (2007/2008), 123-144.
  • Anique de Kruijf, ‘Uit de kast. Relieken verwijderd uit hun oorspronkelijke context’, in: Madoc 21 (2007), 194-202.
  • Anique de Kruijf, ‘Heilige inhaligheid. De diefstal van een fragment van Willibrords sandaal’, in: Tijdschrift Oud-Utrecht 80-5 (2007), 128-132.
  • Anique de Kruijf, ‘”Stof zijt gij…” De relieken in het altaar van de oud-katholieke Gertrudiskathedraal’, in: In de ban van de kerk. 25 jaar Kerken Kijken Utrecht, ed. Peter van de Coolwijk e.a. (Utrecht, 2007), 91-94.
  • Dirk van de Perre, ‘Het Kapittelboek van de Ninoofse abdij (1185-1652)’, in: Analecta Praemonstratensia 83 (2007), 128-155.

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  • Dominique Allart, La peinture du XVe et du début du XVIe siècle dans les collections publiques de Liège (Bruxelles, 2008).
  • Llewellyn Bogaers, Aards, betrokken en zelfbewust. De verwevenheid van cultuur en religie in katholiek Utrecht, 1300 – 1600 (Utrecht 2008; dissertation, with an English summary).
  • Douglas Brine, ‘Rogier van der Weyden and Early Netherlandish Wall Memorials’, in: Immediations. The Courtauld Institute of Art Journal of Postgraduate Research 2-1 (2008), 7-27.
  • Douglas Brine, ‘Evidence for the forms and usage of early Netherlandish memorial paintings’, in: Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 71 (2008), 139-68.
  • Truus van Bueren, Andrea van Leerdam, Fenna Visser, ‘Memoria in beeld. Middeleeuwse memorievoorstellingen uit het (aarts)bisdom Utrecht’, (maart 2008),
  • B. Diemel, ‘Herinneren en herdenken. Identiteitsvorming bij de Moderne Devotie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden’, in: Trajecta 17:4 (2008), 353-376.
  • S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, Van Amsterdamse burgers tot Europese aristocraten. De Heijnen maagschap 1400-1800. Hun geschiedenis en hun portretten (Den Haag, 2008).
  • Susanne Franke, ‘Between status and spiritual salvation: The Portinari triptych and Tomasso Portinari’s concern for his memoria’, in: Simiolus 33 (2007/2008), 123-144.
  • Anique de Kruijf, ‘Stof zijt gij…’ Een deelinventarisatie van de reliekschat van de oud-katholieke Gertrudiskathedraal te Utrecht, (Utrecht: Clavis Stichting Publicaties Middeleeuwse Kunst, 2008).
  • Anique de Kruijf, ‘Heimelijke heiligheid. Schuilkerken uit de tijd van de Reformatie’, in: WIJS, maandblad van de EUG (februari 2008), 9-10.
  • Jens Lieven, Adel, Herrschaft und Memoria. Studien zur Erinnerungskultur der Grafen von Kleve und Geldern im Hochmittelalter (1020 bis 1250) (Bielefeld, 2008).
  • Dirk van de Perre, ‘Het necrologium van de Sint-Cornelius- en Sint-Cyprianusabdij van Ninove. Tekstuitgave van de oudste twee necrologia (1185/1188-1651 en 1652-1694) met inleiding en annotaties (with an English Summary)’, in: Analecta Praemonstratensia 84 (2008), 5-249.
  • Bert Timmermans, Patronen van patronage in het zeventiende-eeuwse Antwerpen. Een elite als actor binnen een kunstwereld (Amsterdam, 2008).
  • Dirk Vanclooster, Johan De Soete, Harry van Royen, Dansen met de dood (Brugge, 2008).

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  • Alexander Andrée, ‘Lachrymose Eloquence: Hebrew Heritage and Roman Rhetoric in Gilbert the Universal’s Gloss on Lamentations’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • A. Alduc-Le Bagousse (ed.), Inhumations de prestige ou prestige de l’inhumation? Expressions du pouvoir dans l’au-delà (IVe-XVe siècle) (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Bini Biemans-van der Wal, ‘De Nicolaikerk te Utrecht, het geestelijk huis van betrokken parochianen’, in: Henk Verhoef (red.), Het oude orgel van de Nicolaikerk te Utrecht. Kroongetuige van de Nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis (Zutphen, 2009), 154-185.
  • Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, ‘Memoria in de praktijk. Vroegen leken om liturgische gedachtenis?’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, B. Meijns and R. Nip (Brussel, 2009).
  • Daniel Le Blévec, ‘Aumônes et charités dans la basse vallée du Rhône’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 91-97.
  • Yvonne Bleyerveld, Robert Stein, ‘De bijbelse geschiedenis in glas. Een geschreven beeldprogramma voor een reeks glasramen in de pandgang van het klooster Scheut (circa 1515)’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 44-77.
  • Anne Bollmann, ‘Formen und Funktionen schriftlicher Memoria in den Schwesterngemeinschaften der Devotio Moderna’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, B. Meijns and R. Nip (Brussel, 2009).
  • Stijn Bossuyt, ‘Founding a Memory: The Legitimation of ‘Memoria’ Foundations in Flanders c. 1100-1350 (Lille, Saint-Omer, and Bruges)’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Magnar Breivik, ”The Lord enlighten our children that they may know the Way that leads to Prosperity’: The Seven Deadly Sins, AD 1933′, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Jørgen Bruhn, ‘From Reference to Deferment: Ekphrasis, Authority, and Fiction in Chrétien de Troyes’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (ed.), Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Mette B. Bruun, ‘The Wilderness as ‘lieu de mémoire’: Literary Deserts of Cîteaux and La Trappe’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Truus van Bueren, Fenna Visser, ‘De website Memoria in Beeld. Een hulpmiddel bij het onderzoek van memorievoorstellingen’, in: Madoc 23 (2009), 102-108.
  • Truus van Bueren, m.m.v. Marieke de Winkel, ‘Herinnering in de praktijk. De rol van beeld en geschrift’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • M. Cassidy-Welch, P. Sherlock (ed.), Practices of Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Ingrid Ciulisová, ‘Memory and Witness: “Translated” Images’, in: Revue Belge d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art 78 (2009), 17-27.
  • Thomas Coomans and Anna Bergmans, ‘L’église Notre-Dame des Dominicains à Louvain (1251-1276). Le mémorial d’Henri III, duc de Brabant, et d’Alix de Bourgogne’, in: Bulletin monumental 167/2 (2009) 99-125.
  • Svein Aage Christoffersen, ‘Ambiguity and the Fullness of Time: The Sacred and the Profane in Caravaggio’s Paintings’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Mario Damen, ‘De schenkers van Scheut. Het glasmecenaat van een kartuizerklooster, 1450-1530’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 78-111.
  • Jeroen Deploige, Brigitte Meijns, Renée Nip (ed.), Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500 (Brussel, 2009).
  • Jeroen Deploige, Bert Callens, Guy De Tré, ‘Een nieuwe toekomst voor het online repertorium The Narrative Sources of the Medieval Low Countries‘, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • B. Diemel, ‘Geestelijke toespraken als model voor het monastieke vrouwenleven. Een analyse van de receptie van de collaties van Johannes Brinckerinck in verzamelhandschrift Nijmegen, UB 188’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • B. Diemel, ‘”Want bij der scrifture soe bliven die dode”. De rol en de vorm van de collectieve herinnering bij de Moderne Devotie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Monika Escher-Apsner, ‘Dedes of charyte and to the commen-welth. Bruderschaften und ihre baulichen und karitativen Beiträge zur utilitas communis’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 209-253.
  • Jens Fleischer, ‘Spolia as Architectural Memory: A Ritualized Integration of the Past into the Present’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Suzan Folkerts, ‘Het handgeschreven boek als platform voor identiteitsvorming in de religieuze gemeenschap’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Thomas Frank, ‘Bruderschaften und Armenfürsorge im spätmittelalterlichen Italien’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 293-319.
  • Bart Fransen, ‘Restanten van een meesterwerk. De bouwsculptuur van de kapel van Scheut’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 112-128.
  • Martin Gosman, ‘The Ceremonial in the Estates General of France’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Koen Goudriaan, ‘Herinnering en herstel. Memoria in functie van restauratie in het Goudse vrouwenklooster Sint-Margaretha’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Elisabeth van Houts, ‘The Final Stages of Memorial Traditions: The Warenne Family’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Christian Jörg, ‘Pro salute corporis et anime venerabilis domini nostri imperatoris – Gedanken zu den Verbindungen zwischen Bruderschaften, Königtum und Herrschergedenken in Städten des hohen und späten Mittelalters’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 159-186.
  • Ananya Jahanara Kabir, ‘Transnational Medieval Utopias’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Kirstin Kennedy, ‘Fame, Memory, and Literary Legacy: Jorge Manrique and the ‘Coplas por la muerte de su padre”, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Jos Koldeweij, ‘Representatie en devotie in het oeuvre van Rogier van der Weyden (1400-1464)’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 148-169.
  • Benjamin Laqua, ‘Erzbischof, Bruderschaft und Hospital in Köln. Die Lupusbrüder während des hohen Mittelalters’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 111-141.
  • J. Luxford (ed.), Studies in Carthusian Monasticism in the Late Middle Ages (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Brigitte Meijns, ‘Herinneringspraktijken in kringen van reguliere kanunniken. De stichters en hun memoria (elfde-twaalfde eeuw): prior Odfried van Watten († 1086)’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Klaus Militzer, ‘Genossenschaftliche und bruderschaftliche Organisationsformen im mittelalterlichen Köln’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 143-157.
  • Mia Münsterswendsen, ‘Medieval ‘Virtuosity’: Classroom Practice and the Transfer of Charismatic Power in Medieval Scholarly Culture c. 1000-1230′, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Renée Nip, Jeroen Deploige, ‘Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Nils Holger Petersen, ‘Truth and Representation: The Medieval Good Friday Reproaches and Modern Music’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • M. B. Pranger, ‘Devotion and the Present: Memory and Oblivion’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Ettore Rocca, ‘Emil Nolde’s ‘The Last Supper’: An Interpretation in Light of the History of Iconography’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Els Rose, Ritual Memory. The Apocryphal Acts and Liturgical Commemoration in the Early Medieval West (c. 500-1215), (Leiden – Boston, 2009).
  • Gervase Rosser, ‘Finding Oneself in a Medieval Fraternity: Individual and Collective Identities in the English Guilds’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 29-46.
  • Tjamke Snijders, ‘Tussen leestekst en luistertekst. Eenledige handschriften en de gebruikscontext van hagiografie’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Robert Stein, Jos Koldeweij, ‘Scheut en meester Rogier’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 3-11.
  • Jeroen Stumpel, ‘Dürer and death: on the iconography of Knight, Death and the devil’, in: Simiolus 34 (2009) 75-88.
  • Robert Stein, ‘Van publieke devotie naar besloten orde. De stichting van het klooster Scheut’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 12-37.
  • Robert Stein, ‘De groei van Scheut’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 38-43.
  • Sheila Sweetinburgh, ‘Eternal Town Servants: Civic Elections and the Stuppeny Tombs of New Romney and Lydd’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Paul Trio, ‘The Social Positioning of Late Medieval Confraternities in Urbanized Flanders: from Integration to Segregation’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 99-110.
  • Paul Trio, ‘Moordende concurrentie op de memoriemarkt. Een eerste verkenning van het fenomeen jaargetijde in de Lage Landen in de late middeleeuwen (ca 1250 tot 1550)’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Arjo Vanderjagt, ‘Ritualizing Heritage: Jason and the Argonauts at the Burgundian. Feast of the Pheasant (1454)’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Steven Vanderputten, ‘Vreemden voor elkaar. Het onderbroken geheugen van monastieke groepen tijdens de volle middeleeuwen’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Wim Verbaal, ‘Bernard of Clairvaux’s School of Oblivion’, in: Negotiating Heritage. Memories of the Middle Ages, ed. Mette B. Bruun, Stephanie Glaser (Turnhout, 2009).
  • Valerie Vermassen, ‘Een klaagzang uit Groenendaal. Willem Jordaens’ Planctus super obitu fratris Iohannis de Speculo, alias de Cureghem (ca 1385)’, in: Herinnering in geschrift en praktijk in religieuze gemeenschappen uit de Lage Landen, 1000-1500, ed. J. Deploige, R. Nip en B. Meijns (Brussel, 2009).
  • Catherine Vincent, ‘Les multiples formes de l’assistance dans les confréries du royaume de France à la fin du Moyen Âge’, in: Mittelalterliche Bruderschaften in europäischen Städten. Funktionen, Formen, Akteure, eds. Monika Escher-Apsner, (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009) 67-97.
  • Liebeth Zuidema, ‘De Kruisiging van Rogier van der Weyden als verbeelding van de sacramentsverering’, in: De kartuize van Scheut en Rogier van der Weyden. Millennium: Tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 23 (2009-1-2) 129-147.

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  • Anna Adamska, ‘Developments in Memoria-Research in East Central Europe’, in: MMR6 (2010).
  • Michele Bacci, ‘Side Altar and “Pro Anima” Chapels in the Medieval Mediterranean: Evidence from Cyprus’, in: The Altar and its Environment, 1150-1400, eds. J. E.A. Kroesen, V. M. Schmidt (Turnhout, 2010) 11-30.
  • Sally Badham, Sophie Oosterwijk (eds.), Monumental Industry: The Production of Tomb Monuments in England and Wales in the Long Fourteenth Century (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2010).
  • Sophie Balace, Alexandra de Poorter, eds., Tussen Hemel en Hel. Sterven in de middeleeuwen, 600-1600 (Amsterdam, 2010). Also published as: Sophie Balace, Alexandra de Poorter, eds., Entre Paradis et Enfer. Mourir au Moyen Âge (Antwerp, 2010).
  • Caroline M. Barron, Clive Burgess, eds., Memory and Commemoration in Medieval England, 2008 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Shaun Tyas, 2010).
  • Therese Bruggisser-Lanker, Musik und Tod im Mittelalter: Imaginationsräume der Transzendenz (Göttingen, 2010).
  • Truus van Bueren, ‘Zorg voor het hier en het hiernamaals: memorietafels en de middeleeuwse memoria-cultuur’, in: Jacobsbode 19 (Nov. 2010) 3-8.
  • Truus van Bueren, ‘The Brass of Joost van Amstel van Mijnden’, in: Transactions Monumental Brass Society, 18 (2010) 145-150.
  • Paul Cockerham, ‘The Import of Choice: Flemish incised slabs in fourteenth-century Britain’, in: Avista Forum Journal 20 (2010) 77.
  • Mario Damen, ‘Charity against the Odds. Margaret of York and the Isle of Voorne (1477-1503)’, in: Women at the Burgundian Court: Presence and Influence, eds. Dagmar Eichberger, Anne-Marie Legaré, Wim Hüsken (Turnhout, 2010) 57-71.
  • Guido Derksen, Martin van Mousch, Jop Mijwaard, Geïllustreerde Atlas van het Hiernamaals (Amsterdam, 2010).
  • Charlotte Dikken, ‘Gebrandschilderde glazen als uitingen van Macht. De Sint Waldetrudiskerk in Bergen’, in: Madoc 24-4 (2010) 140-155.
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  • Anna Adamska, ‘Founding a Monastery over Dinner: The Case of Henryków in Silesia (c. 1222-1228)’, in: Marco Mostert and Paul Barnwell (eds.), Medieval Legal Process: Physical, Spoken and Written Performance in the Middle Ages. (USML 19 Turnhout, 2011).
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  • Sylvie Bethmont-Gallerand, ‘Death Personified in Medieval Imagery: The Motif of Death Riding a Bovine’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 169-189.
  • Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, ‘Royal Burial Places in Western Europe. Creating Tradition, Seccession and Memoria‘, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 25-43.
  • Dick E.H. de Boer, ‘Metra de Morte. Eine lateinische Totenklage über den verstorbenen Graf Guy von Blois (1397), als Teil der sich entwickelnden Memoriakultur’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 131-145.
  • Leen Breure, ‘The Richness of Memoria and the Web. New Ways of Publishing’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 207-218.
  • Charlotte J.C. Broer, Monniken in het moeras: de vroegste geschiedenis van de abdij van Sint-Laurens in het Oostbroek bij Utrecht (Utrecht, 2011).
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  • Maike Christadler, ‘From Allegory to Anatomy: Femininity and the Danse Macabre‘, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 101-131.
  • Henri L.M. Defoer, ‘The Triptych of the Pauw-Sas Family from the Utrecht Charterhouse’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 321-332.
  • Bas Diemel, ‘Daer es leven sonder sterven’. Memoria en gemeenschapsvorming in Windesheimer kringen uit de laatmiddeleeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1350-1550) (Ghent, 2011, dissertation).
  • Charlotte Dikken, ‘A Monument to a Glorious Past and a Questionable Future? The Jerusalem Chapel in Bruges and its Stained Glass Windows’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 79-96.
  • Hildo van Engen, ‘Memor esto mei. Devotional Diptychs and Religious Orders in the Late Medieval Low Countries’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 269-287.
  • Frances Eustace, Pamela King, ‘Dances of the Living and the Dead: A Study of Danse Macabre Imagery within the Context of Late-Medieval Dance Culture’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 43-72.
  • Koen Goudriaan, ‘Geert Grote: a Founder Fading into Oblivion?’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 165-177.
  • Elizabeth den Hartog, John Veerman, Jan Droge, De Pieterskerk in Leiden. Bouwgeschiedenis, inrichting en gedenktekens (Zwolle, 2011).
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  • Caroline Horch, ‘Das steinerne Festbuch als “Memorialbild”. Eine kulturhistorische Betrachtung’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 111-128.
  • Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, ‘Memoria and Amende Honorable in the Utrecht Collegiate Chapter of St. Mary’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 235-250.
  • Birgitte Bøggild Johannsen, ”Cum tota posteritas digne ut meruit simul honorare nequeat‘. Staging the Queen’s Memoria in Early Fifteenth Century Denmark’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 45-57.
  • David King, ‘The Indent of John Aylward: Glass and Brass at East Harling’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2011) 251-267.
  • Stefanie Knöll, ‘Mix and Match: Huldrich Fröhlich’s Danse Macabre Editions’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 387-407.
  • Lenke Kovács, ‘Frightened or Fearless: Different Ways of Facing Death in the Sixteenth-Century Majorcan Play Representació de la Mort‘, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 207-236.
  • Christine Kralik, ‘Dialogue and Violence in Medieval Illuminations of the Three Living and the Three Dead’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 133-154.
  • Kees Kuiken, ”Memory ende hueghenisse’ Middeleeuwse memoriecultuur in een Hollands adelsdorp’, in: Virtus 18 (2011) 45-64.
  • Jeannie Labno, Commemorating the Polish Renaissance Child. Funeral Monuments and their European Context (Abingdon, 2011).
  • Reinhard Lamp, ‘The Inscriptions of the Blodwell Brass at Balsham, Cambridgeshire’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2011) 212-226.
  • Kristiane Lemé-Hébuterne, ‘Places for Reflection: Death Imagery in Medieval Choir Stalls’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 271-292.
  • Julian Luxford, ‘The Hastings Brass at Elsing: A Contextual Analysis’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2011) 193-211.
  • Bert Mattijs, ‘Glasramen in de Sint-Gummaruskerk van Lier. Vijf eeuwen grandeur, een verhaal over schenkers en opdrachtgevers’, in: Noordbrabants Historisch Jaarboek 28 (2011) 76-101.
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  • Daantje Meuwissen, Andrea van Leerdam, ‘The Last Judgement with Christian II of Denmark and Isabella of Austria. A Memorial Piece from the Workshop of Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen?’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 333-345.
  • Renée Nip, ‘Liturgische herdenkingspraktijken in de late middeleeuwen in de stad Groningen’, in: Stedelijke verleden in veelvoud. Opstellen over laatmiddeleeuwse stadsgeschiedenis in de Nederlanden, eds. Hanno Brand, Jeroen Benders en Renée Nip (Hilversum, 2011) 229-244.
  • Otto Gerhard Oexle, ‘Fama und Memoria der Wissenschaft in der Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 365-377.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Dance, Dialogue and Duality: Fatal Encounters in the Medieval Danse Macabre‘, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 9-42.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (eds.), Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Babes on Brackets on Medieval Tomb Monuments: a Meaningful Distinction or an Iconographic Oddity?’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 251-268.
  • Marco Piccat, ‘Mixed Encounters: The Three Living and the Three Dead in Italian Art’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 155-168.
  • Kim Ragetli, ‘In Word and Deed. Margaret of York and the Inclusion of Manuscript Collections in Memoria Research’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 59-77.
  • Kenneth Rooney, ‘Romance Macabre: Middle English Narrative and the Dead in the Codex’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 191-206.
  • Marie-Helene Rousseau, Saving the Souls of Medieval London. Perpetual Chantries at St Paul’s Cathedral, c.1200-1548 (Ashgate, 2011).
  • Thomas Schilp, ‘Memoria in der Dunkelheit der Nacht. Lichtinszenierung mittelalterlicher Kirchen zum Totengedenken’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 221-233.
  • Corine Schleif, ‘Mapping the Social Topography of Memorials. Barbara and Kunz Horn Seek the Prayers of the Poor and the Respect of the Rich’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 97-110.
  • Jutta Schuchard, ‘The Danse Macabre at Bierdzany-Bierdzanska Smierc (Poland)’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 313-325.
  • Winfried Schwab, ‘Letters without Words? The Danse Macabre Initials by Hans Holbein and his Followers’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 363-386.
  • Annemarie Speetjens, ‘The Founder, the Chaplain and the Ecclesiastical Authorities. Chantries in the Low Countries’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 195-206.
  • Charlotte A. Stanford, Commemorating the Dead in Late Medieval Strasbourg. The Cathedral’s Book of Donors and Its Use (1320-1521) (Abingdon, 2011).
  • Margaret Statham, Sally Badham, ‘Kankyn Smith of Bury St. Edmunds and his Brass’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2011) 227-250.
  • Paul Trio, ‘Obituaries or Anniversary Books: Handle with Care! The Example of the Ypres Confraternity of Our Lady’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 179-193.
  • Tomislav Vignjevic, ‘The Istrian Danse Macabre: Beram and Hrastovlje’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 293-312.
  • Susanne Warda, ‘Dance, Music, and Inversion: The Reversal of the Natural Order in the Medieval Danse Macabre‘, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 73-100.
  • Rolf de Weijert, ‘Gift-Giving Practices in the Utrecht Charterhouse. Donating to be Remembered?’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 147-164.
  • Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011).
  • Jean Wilson, ‘The Kiss of Death: Death as a Lover in Early Modern English Literature and Art’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 237-269.
  • W.C.M. (Helen) Wüstefeld, ‘Clavicula Salomonis or: Occult Affairs in Amsterdam’s Kalverstraat? Jacob Cornelisz. Van Oostanen and Saul and the Witch of Endor Revisited’, in: Rolf de Weijert, Kim Ragetli, Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, Jeannette van Arenthals (eds.), Living Memoria. Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Memorial Culture in Honour of Truus van Bueren (Hilversum, 2011) 347-363.
  • Caroline Zöhl, ‘A Phenomenon of Parallel Reading in the Office of the Dead’, in: Mixed Metaphors: The Danse Macabre in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, eds. Sophie Oosterwijk, Stefanie Knöll (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2011) 327-362.

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  • Sally Badham, Paul Cockerham (ed.), ‘The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire.’ The Church of St Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, and its Medieval Monuments, BAR British Series 554 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012).
  • Sally Badham, Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘The tomb monument of Katherine, daughter of Henry III and Eleanor of Provence (1253-7)’, in: The Antiquaries Journal 92 (2012) 169-196.
  • Sally Badham, ‘An unusual clerical indent at Wingfield, Suffolk’, in : Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 121-Oct (2012) 418-9.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Commemorating the dead in the late medieval English parish: an overview’, in: Church Archaeology 16 (2012), 45-63.
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘The Cadavers of Tallinn’, in: Church Monuments 27 (2012) 75-81.
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘Embellishment and Restoration: The Barttelots and their Brasses at Stopham, Sussex’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2012) 334-362.
  • Paul Binski, Elizabeth A. New (ed.), Patrons and Professionals in the Middle Ages (Donington, 2012).
  • Charlotte J.C. Broer, ‘Sporen van Cluny? De abdijen van Sint-Paulus in Utrecht en Sint-Laurens in Oostbroek-De Bilt’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 23-36.
  • Douglas Brine, ‘Rogier van der Weyden and the Art of Commemoration,’ in: L. Campbell, J. Van der Stock, C. Reynolds and L. Watteeuw (ed.), Rogier van der Weyden in Context. Papers presented at the Seventeenth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held in Leuven, 22-24 October 2009 (Paris / Leuven / Walpole, MA 2012) 252-265.
  • Trudi Brink, ‘The double tomb monument to Reinoud III van Brederode (d. 1556) and Philippote van der Marck (d. 1537) in Vianen (Netherlands)’, in: The Church Monuments Society (Monument of the Month, June 2012).
  • Maria Teresa Brollis, Andrea Zonca (eds.) Testamenti di donne a Bergamo nel medioevo: pergamene dall’archivio della Misericordia maggiore (secoli XIII-XIV) (Selci-Lama, Perugia: Pliniana, 2012).
  • Truus van Bueren, Kim Ragetli and Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, ‘Researching Medieval Memoria: Prospects and Possibilities. With an Introduction to Medieval Memoria Online (MeMO)’, in: Jaarboek voor Middeleeuwse Geschiedenis 14 (2011). Hilversum 2012, 183-234.
  • Truus van Bueren, ‘Gebeeldhouwde nagedachtenis in de Domstad’, in: Middeleeuwse beelden uit Utrecht 1430-1530, exhibition catalogue on Utrecht Sculpture in Museum Catharijneconvent (Utrecht, 2012) 30-47, 157-8.
  • Clive Burgess, ‘Obligations and Strategy: Managing Memory in the Later Medieval Parish’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2012) 289-310.
  • Lorne Campbell, et al. (eds.), Rogier van der Weyden in Context (Leuven, 2012).
  • Wim Cappers, Aan deze zijde van de dood. Funeraire componenten van seculariserende cultuurlandschappen in Nederland 1576-2010 (dissertation, 2012).
  • Michael Carter, ‘Hys…days here lyven was – The monument of Abbot Robert Chamber at Holm Cultram (Cumbria)’, in: Church Monuments 27 (2012) 38-52.
  • Juliusz A. Chroscicki, Mark Hengerer, Gérard Sabatier (ed.), Les funérailles princières en Europe, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle. 1, Le grand théâtre de la mort (Versailles, 2012).
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  • Hildo van Engen, ‘De lange weg naar observantie. De hervorming van de Paulusabdij in de late middeleeuwen’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 171-200.
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  • J.P. Gumbert, ‘Handschriften in de bibliotheek van het Paulusklooster’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 91-102.
  • Kevin Herring, ‘Around the Southern Foothills of the Harz Mountains 2010’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 121-Oct (2012) 416-7.
  • Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, ”Rebell ende ongehoirsam’. Problemen rond de hervorming van de Utrechtse Paulusabdij (1420-1455)’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 201-258.
  • Hein Hundertmark, ‘Naar Adelbolds voorbeeld. De kerken van bisschop Bernold’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 37-68.
  • Bart Ibelings, ‘De opdrachtgever en oudst bekende restauratie van de memorietafel van de heren van Montfoort’, in: Heemtijdinghen 48/2 (2012).
  • Bart Jaski, ‘Een codicologische queeste naar de oudste handschriften en handschriftfragmenten uit de bibliotheek van de Paulusabdij’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 103-170.
  • Robert Kinsey, ‘Each According to their Degree: The Lost Brasses of the Thorpes of Northamptonshire’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2012) 311-333.
  • Kees Kuiken, ‘Nagedachtenis en naastenliefde: van middeleeuwse hospitalen tot moderne gasthuizen’, in: L. Oldersma (eds.), Dr. Henricus Popta. Over zijn leven en nalatenschap (Marsum, 2012) 117-129.
  • Kees Kuiken, Boelstra-Olivier Stichting 1952-2012. Alles in de beste staat van cultuur (Goutum, 2012).
  • Reinhard Lamp, Eines in Allem, Abriebe mittelalterlichen Grabplatten aus deutschen und englischen Kirchen (Lübeck, 2012).
  • Helen E. Lunnon, ‘I will have one porch of stone … over my grave – Medieval parish church porches and their function as tomb canopies’, in: Church Monuments 27 (2012) 53-65.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Reformation and recycling in the Netherlands’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 119-Feb (2012) 372-373.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘MeMO-project en grafzerken in Michaëlskerk in Oudewater als cultureel erfgoed’, in: Heemtijdinghen 48/2 (2012) 56-64.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, Kees Knulst, ‘Floor slab of Cornelis Pietersze (d. 1532) and his wife Jozijne van Domburch (d. 1557), Sint-Maartenskerk, Sint Maartensdijk (province of Zeeland, Netherlands), Belgian hardstone, 254 x 141 cm.’, in: The Church Monuments Society (Monument of the Month, November 2012).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘An exercise in white marble and whitewashing’, in: The Church Monuments Society (Monument of the Month, December 2012).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Zeeuwse grafzerken als historisch en cultureel erfgoed’, in: Zeeuws Erfgoed 11 (December 2012/4) 15-16.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘The story of Bianca Rubea – An emblem of wifely devotion, or death by tomb slab’, in: Church Monuments 27 (2012) 66-74.
  • Auke Rijpma, Funding public services through religious and charitable foundations in the late-medieval Low Countries (Utrecht, 2012). Dissertation available online.
  • Markus Sanke, Die Gräber geistlicher Eliten Europas von der Spätantike bis zur Neuzeit: Archäologische Studien zur materiellen Reflexion von Jenseitsvorstellungen und ihrem Wandel (Habelt: Bonn, 2012).
  • Nigel Saul, ‘The early fifteenth-century monument of a serjeant-at-law in Flamstead church (Hertfordshire)’, in: Church Monuments 27 (2012) 7-21.
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Language, Lordship and Architecture: the Brass of Sir Thomas and Lady Walsch at Wanlip, Leicestershire, and its Context’, in: Midland History 37 no. 1 (2012) 1-16.
  • Nicole Schmenk, Totengedenken in der Abtei Brauweiler: Untersuchung und Edition des Necrologs von 1476 (Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2012).
  • Christian Schuffels, Das Brunograbmal im Dom zu Hildesheim: Kunst und Geschichte einer romanischen Skulptur (Regensburg, 2012).
  • Cinzia Maria Sicca, Louis A Waldman (eds.), The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance: art for the early Tudors (Yale University Press, 2012).
  • Bert Timmermans, ‘Family, agency and networks of patronage: towards a mapping of the revival of the family chapel in seventeeth-century Antwerp’, in: Koenraad Brosens, Leen Kelchtermans, Katlijne Van der Stighelen (eds.), Family Ties. Art Production and Kinship Patterns in the Early Modern Low Countries (Turnhout, 2012) 189-224.
  • Elizabeth C. Tingle, Purgatory and Piety in Brittany 1480-1720 (Ashgate, 2012).
  • Kaj van Vliet, ‘Monniken buiten de abdij. De proosdijen van de Paulusabdij op de Heiligenberg en in Driel’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 69-90.
  • Kaj van Vliet, ‘Lijst van abten, priors en monniken in de Paulusabdij’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 275-299.
  • Duco Vollebregt, ‘The administration of memoria. The description of memorial registers from Leiden, Haarlem and The Hague in the MeMO database application’, in: MMR 9 (2012).
  • Matthew Ward, ‘The tomb of ‘The Butcher’? The Tiptoft monument in the presbytery of Ely Cathedral’, in: Church Monuments 27 (2012) 22-37.
  • Philip Whittemore, ‘Nicholas de Nale, Ragusan merchant, and his brass’, in: Transactions London and Middlesex Archeological Society 63 (2012) 229-33.
  • Johanna Maria van Winter, ‘Eetgewoonten in de Utrechtse Sint-Paulusabdij’, in: Hildo van Engen, Kaj van Vliet (eds.), De nalatenschap van de Paulusabdij in Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012) 259-274.

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  • Anne-Hélène Allirot, translated by Translated from the French by Lewis Beer, ‘Longchamp and Lourcine: The Role of Female Abbeys in the Construction of Capetian Memory (Late Thirteenth Century to Mid-Fourteenth Century)’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 243-260.
  • Arnold Angenendt, Offertorium. Das mittelalterliche Messopfer. Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen 101 (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013 first edition; 2014 third edition).
  • Arnold Angenendt, ‘Die liturgische Memoria: Hilfe für das Fortleben im Jenseits’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 199-226.
  • Nico Arts, ‘Begraven op de Brabantse zandgronden. De archeologie van veranderende grafrituelen, circa 1000-1900’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 23-35.
  • Sally Badham, Philip J. Lankester, ‘The Daubeney monuments at Brant Broughton (Lincolnshire)’, in: Church Monuments 28(2013) 33-51.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Viewpoint: Problems affecting church monuments: a personal perspective’, in: Ecclesiology Today 47 & 48 (2013), 75-104.
  • Jürgen Bärsch, ‘Die Entstehung des Gedenktages Allerseelen. Liturgie und Eschatologie unter dem reformerischen Anspruch Clunys’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 67-80.
  • Claire Bartram , ”Honoured of posteryte by record of wrytinge’: Memory, Reputation and the Role of the Book within Commemorative Practices in Late Elizabethan Kent’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 91-104.
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Epiphanius Evesham: a ‘new’ discovery’, in: Church Monuments 28 (2013) 133-138.
  • Anna Bergmans, Ilona Hans-Collas, ‘Awaiting eternal life: painted burial cists in the Southern Netherlands’, in: Church Monuments 28(2013) 13-32.
  • Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013).
  • Rainer Berndt, ‘Biblisch-theologische Grundlinien mittelalterlicher Memorialkultur Zur Hinführung’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 11-20.
  • Rainer Berndt, ‘”Tuet dies zu meinem Gedächtnis”: Die Eucharistie als Grundlage christlicher Memoria in Kirche und Theologie des Mittelalters’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 21-40.
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘The Brass of King Christopher I at Ribe’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2013) 388-90.
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘Whittington Turned Again or The Strange Case of the Brass of Richard and Margaret Coton’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 124-Oct (2013) 468-9.
  • Klaus Gereon Beuckers, ‘Bildnisse des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts als rhetorische Konstruktion memorialer Funktion. Bermerkungen zum Widmungsbild des Svanhild-Evangeliars und zu den Essener Stifteremails’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 85-106.
  • Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013).
  • Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan, ‘Inleiding’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 7-19.
  • Peter Bitter, ‘Begraven onder de zerken. Archeologisch en archiefonderzoek naar achttiende- en vroeg-negentiende-eeuwse grafgebruiken in de Grote Kerk van Alkmaar’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 37-51.
  • Birgitte Bøggild Johannsen, ‘Back to the Future: Renovating Royal Funeral Monuments during the Reign of Frederick II, King of Denmark (1559-1588)’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 254-267.
  • Viera Bonenkampová, ‘Waren ‘rijke stinkerds’ rijk? De sociale stratificatie van de Delftenaren en hun graven in de Oude Kerk’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 193-204.
  • Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013).
  • Trudi Brink, ‘Lang leve de dood, lang leve het leven. Over de tombe en het retabel in de kapel van de familie Van Brederode in de Grote Kerk te Vianen’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 137-151.
  • Trudi Brink, ‘Ontworpen voor de eeuwigheid. De memoriesculptuur voor Joost Sasbout en Catharina van der Meer in de Eusebiuskerk te Arnhem’, in: Bulletin KNOB 112-3 (Oct. 2013), 152-165.
  • Alexandra Buckle, ‘Entumbid Right Princely’: The Re-Interment of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, and a Lost Rite’, in: Hannes Kleineke, Christian Steer (eds.), The Yorkist Age, 2011 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 399-415.
  • Truus van Bueren, ‘Memorial practices and the networks of the Convent of St John in Haarlem’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 191-210.
  • Clive Burgess, ‘Fotheringhay Church: Conceiving a College and its Community’, in: Hannes Kleineke, Christian Steer (eds.), The Yorkist Age, 2011 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 347-366.
  • Eva-Maria Butz, Alfons Zettler, ‘The Making of the Carolingian Libri Memoriales: Exploring or Constructing the Past?’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 79-92.
  • Paul Cockerham, ‘Cathédrale ou Collégiale?: Monuments and Commemoration in Late Medieval Toul’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2013) 423-466.
  • Peter van Dael, ‘Efemere dodenmemorie. Het castrum doloris‘, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 65-77.
  • Mailan S. Doquang, ‘Status and the Soul: Commemoration and Intercession in the Rayonnant Chapels of Northern France in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 93-118.
  • Jean Dufour, ‘Brefs et rouleaux mortuaires: des documents méconnus’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 127-138.
  • Martha Easton, ‘Images Gross and Sensible’: Violence, Memory and Art in the Thirteenth Century’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 33-54.
  • Øystein Ekroll, ‘Burial Monuments and Commemoration in Medieval Norway’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 18-30.
  • Elizabeth Emery, ‘Pierre Loti’s ‘Memories’ of the Middle Ages: Feasting on the Gothic in 1888′, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 279-298.
  • Birgitta Falk, Anna Pawlik, ‘Liturgie und Memoria. Die Schatztücke im Essener “Liber Ordinarius” ‘, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 119-156.
  • Patrick Farman, ‘Around the Country: Norfolk, Nottinghamshire, Suffolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 124-Oct (2013) 470-3.
  • Richard Fawcett, ‘Aspects of Scottish Canopied Tomb Design’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 129-142.
  • Shirin Fozi, ‘A Mere Patch of Color’: Isabella Stewart Gardner and the Shattered Glass of Reims Cathedral’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 321-343.
  • Mary Franklin-Brown, ‘The Speculum Maius, Between Thesaurus and Lieu de Mémoire‘, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 143-162.
  • Bart Fransen, Rogier van der Weyden and Stone Sculpture in Brussels (Harvey Miller/Brepols: London/Turnhout, 2013).
  • Iain Fraser, ‘Medieval Funerary Monuments in Scotland’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 9-17.
  • Jessica Freeman, ‘The Commemorative Strategies of the Frowyks of Medieval London and Middlesex’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2013) 391-422.
  • Sanne Frequin, ‘Pleurant of priant. Een iconografisch motief in de middeleeuwse sepulchrale kunst’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 123-136.
  • Sanne Frequin, ‘Pleurant or Priant – an Iconographical Motive in Medieval Sepulchral Art’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 55-67.
  • Joanna Frońska, ‘The Memory of Roman Law in an Illuminated Manuscript of Justinian’s Digest‘, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 163-180.
  • M. Cecilia Gaposchkin, ‘Louis IX and Liturgical Memory’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 261-277.
  • Jan de Geest and Koen Goudriaan, ‘Het kerkhof als plaats van herinnering en devotie. De zusters van Sint-Agnes te Amersfoort en hun begraafplaats’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 205-220.
  • Brian and Moira Gittos, ‘The English Medieval Churchyard: what did it really look like?’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 31-44.
  • Brian and Moira Gittos, ‘Gresham revisited: a fresh look at the medieval monuments of North Wales’, in: Archaeologia Cambrensis 161 (for 2012, 2013), 357-88.
  • Maureen Daly Goggin, Beth Fowkes Tobin (eds.), Women and the Material Culture of Death (Ashgate, 2013).
  • Frank Gooskens, ‘Curialists, Carthusians, and Hospitals. An analysis of a series of interlocking networks surrounding the Modern Devotion’, in: Stephen J. Molvarec, Tom Gaens (eds.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity (Leuven, 2013), 231-245. (Miscellanea Neerlandica, vol. 41 / Studia Cartusiana, vol. 2)
  • Andrew Gordon, Thomas Rist (eds.), The Arts of Remembrance in Early Modern England: memorial cultures of the Post Reformation (Ashgate, 2013).
  • Koen Goudriaan, ‘De opkomst van de lijkpreek’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 91-120.
  • Madeleine Gray, ‘Good thief, bad thief: some thoughts on the medieval cross slabs of South Wales’, in: Welsh J Ecclesiastical History 7/8 (2013), 24-38.
  • David Griffiths, ‘A living language of the dead? French commemorative inscriptions from late medieval England’, in: The Medieval Journal 3.2 (2013) 69-136.
  • Rolf Grosse, ‘Saint-Denis. Die Gegenwart der toten Könige’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 227-250.
  • Johanna Gummlich-Wagner, ‘Memorialbilder und Kryptosignaturen in Handschriften aus dem Kölner Klarissenkloster St. Klara’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 251-270.
  • Oliver D. Harris, ‘Beards: true and false’, in: Church Monuments 28 (2013) 124-132.
  • David Harry, ‘Learning to Die in Yorkist England: Earl Rivers’ Cordyal’, in: Hannes Kleineke, Christian Steer (eds.), The Yorkist Age, 2011 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 380-398.
  • Kevin Herring, ‘Groote Kerk, Breda, Noord-Brabant – The tomb of Roelandt Alartsz and wife Marina Godevaert Heijs, both died 1485, and their son Adrianus Heijs, 1550’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 122-Feb (2013) 430-1.
  • Michael Hicks, ‘English Monasteries as Repositories of Dynastic Memory’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 224-238.
  • Stephen Mark Holmes, ”Defyle not Chrysts Kirk with your Carrion’: William Durandus (c.1230-96), Medieval Burial and Two Tombs in Rome and Fife’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 212-223.
  • Caroline Horch, “Nach dem Bild des Kaisers”. Funktionen und Bedeutungen des Cappenberger Barbarossakopfes (Köln/Cologne, 2013).
  • Caroline Horch, ‘Der Sarkophag als Maß für Almosen. Zu einer speziellen Form mittelalterlicher Armenspeisungen’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 29-48.
  • Jane Houghton, ‘A foray into Northamptonshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 123-June (2013) 451-3.
  • Elisabeth van Houts, ‘Changes of Aristocratic Identity: Remarriage and Remembrance in Europe 900-1200’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 221-242.
  • Bram van de Hoven van Genderen, ‘In steen gebeiteld. Utrechtse kanunniken en hun grafzerken: de samenhang met administratieve veranderingen’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 173-191.
  • Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, ‘Schatzkammeren in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ungehobene Schätze für die Forschung’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 71-83.
  • Christian Jaser, ‘Ritual Excommunication: An ‘Ars Oblivionalis’?’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 119-141.
  • Nikolas Jaspert, ‘Die Chorherren vom Heiligen Grab und ihre Nekrologtradition’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 149-174.
  • Jude Jones, ‘Embodied shadows: Reading Gender Issues Embedded in Early Modern Tomb Effigies and Mortuary Memorials, 1500-1680’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 79-90.
  • Hans-Winfried Jüngling, ‘”… auf daß ausgerottet werde von der Erde ihr Gedächtnis” (Sir 10 17)’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 81-104.
  • Karin Kryger, ‘The Danish Royal Tombs Project’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 45-54.
  • Kees Kuiken, ”Denkend aan Holland’: Grafcultuur van immigranten in Het Bildt (Friesland) 1547-1649′, in: P. Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 221-233.
  • Kees Kuiken, Het Bildt is geen eiland. Capita cultuurgeschiedenis van een vroegmoderne polder in Friesland (Groningen and Wageningen (NAHI), 2013).
  • Michael Küstermann, ‘ “Ja wirklich, Gott ist an dieser Stätte, und ich wusste es nicht”. Stadtkirche St. Reinoldi in Dortmund’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 65-69.
  • Jeannie J. Labno, ‘The Monumental Body and Sarmation Ideology in Renaissance Poland’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 143-157.
  • William Lack, ‘Conservation of brasses, 2012’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2013) 495-503.
  • Stephen Lamia, ‘Nostalgia, Memory and loca sancta: Romanesque Monuments as Macro Cosmic Pilgrimage Souvenirs’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 105-116.
  • David Lepine, ”A Stone to be layed upon me’: the Monumental Commemoration of the Late Medieval English Higher Clergy’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 158-170.
  • John F. Levy, ‘Acrostics as Copyright Protection in the Franco-Italian Epic: Implications for Memory Theory’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 195-219.
  • Jens Lieven, Dieter Geuenich, ‘Anmerkungen zum Bischofsdiptychon im Essener Sakramentar D1’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 13-27.
  • Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013).
  • Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel, ‘Netzwerke der Memoria’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 7-11.
  • Jessica Lutkin, ‘Laid to rest in a foreign land: brasses and tombs of England’s resident immigrants, 1330-1550’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 124-Oct (2013) 466-7.
  • George Maat, ‘Bijzetting en balseming van de eerste Nassau’s in de Lage Landen’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 53-61.
  • Christine Maddern, Raising the Dead: early medieval name stones in Northumbria (Brepols: Turnhout, 2013).
  • Mirella Marini, ‘Pendanten in leven en dood. Vroomheid, identiteit en autoriteit in de testamentaire beschikkingen van Anna van Croy, hertogin van Aarschot en prinses-gravin van Arenberg (1564-1635)’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 153-170.
  • Richard Marks, Studies in the Art and Imagery of the Middle Ages (London, 2013).
  • Janet T. Marquardt, ‘Celebrating the Medieval Past in Modern Cluny: How Popular Events Helped Shape Collective Memory for a Small French Town’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 299-320.
  • Susan Marti, ‘Memorialbildnisse in spätmittelalterlichen Chorhandschriften aus dem Dominikanerinnenkloster Paradies bei Soest’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 157-172.
  • Kate Maxwell, ‘ ‘Quant j’eus tout recordé par ordre’: Memory and Performance on Display in the Manuscripts of Guillaume de Machaut’s Voir Dit and Remede de Fortune‘, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 181-194.
  • P. L. G. van der Meer, J. A. Mol, Beneficiaalboeken van Friesland, 1543 (Leeuwarden, 2013).
  • Gert Melville, ‘Memoria als institutionelles Fundament der vita religiosa’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 105-126.
  • Janet F. van der Meulen, ‘Een chapelle ardente en een castrum doloris in verzen. Over het graf van Willem III en de Regret Guillaume (1339)’, in: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013) 79-89.
  • Klaus Militzer, ‘Totengedenken in den Statuten der Kölner Bruderschaften’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 187-198.
  • Stefan Mühlhofer, ‘ “Weißt du was, Utivich, ich glaube, das könnte mein Meisterwerk sein.” Aufarbeitung des Nationalsozialismus im Medium Spielfilm’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 225-238.
  • Hideki Nakamura, ‘Memoria in der Kontemplationslehre Richards von Saint-Victor’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 53-66.
  • Renée Nip, ‘De Kalendebroederschap in Groningen. Bekommernis om het zieleheil in het algemeen’, in: Historisch Jaarboek Groningen 2013 (2013), 6-25.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘A late-medieval shroud brass in Alkmaar in the new MeMO database’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 122-Feb (2013) 432-3.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Death or resurrection? The iconography of two sixteenth-century incised slabs in Oudelande (Zeeland) and other Netherlandish shroud effigies’, in: Church Monuments 28 (2013) 52-77.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, Middeleeuwse grafmonumenten in Sint Maartensdijk. Graven in het verleden (2013), web article.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘An unusual saint: Floor slab of Jacopmine Huyghendochter, wife of Foert Christiaenszoon (d. 1553), Sint-Maartenskerk, Wemeldinge (province of Zeeland, Netherlands), Belgian hardstone, 185 x 114 cm’, in: The Church Monuments Society (Monument of the Month, July 2013).
  • Richard D. Oram, ‘Bishops’ Tombs in Medieval Scotland’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 171-198.
  • Frederick S. Paxton, with Isabelle Cochelin, The Death Ritual at Cluny in the Central Middle Ages / Le rituel de la mort à Cluny au Moyen Âge central, Disciplina Monastica, 9 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).
  • M.T.W. Payne, ‘Robert Fabyan’s Civic Identity’, in: Hannes Kleineke, Christian Steer (eds.), The Yorkist Age, 2011 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 275-286.
  • Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013).
  • Michael Penman, ‘Monuments and Monumentality across Medieval and Early Modern Europe’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 1-7.
  • Michael Penman, ‘A Programme for Royal Tombs in Scotland? A Review of the Evidence, c.1093-c.1542’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 239-253.
  • Andrzej Radziminski, ‘Nekrologe und Totengedächtnis in polnischen Kathedralkapiteln’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 175-186.
  • Joana Ramôa Melo, ‘Listening to Women through Funerary Art and Practices: an Overview of the Feminine Agency in Portuguese Church Monuments of the Fourteenth Century’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 117-128.
  • Wilfried Reininghaus, ‘Eine vergessene Geschichte Westfalens: Joseph Hartmanns Abriss für Geschichtslehrer von 1912’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 211-223.
  • Catherine Richardson, ”Make you a cloak of it and weare it for my sake’: Material Culture and Commemoration in Early Modern English Towns’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 68-78.
  • Rosa María Rodríguez Porto, ‘Beyond the Two Doors of Memory: Intertextualities and Intervisualities in Thirteenth-Century Illuminated Manuscripts of the Roman de Troie and the Histoire Ancienne‘, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 55-77.
  • Ann Rycraft, ‘The Blackburn Indent – a York merchant and his wives’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 123-June (2013) 450-1.
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Fotheringhay Church, Northamptonshire: Architecture and Fittings’, in: Hannes Kleineke, Christian Steer (eds.), The Yorkist Age, 2011 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 367-379.
  • Michael Schlagheck, ‘Dem Potenzial von eigener Geschichte und eigener Ästhetik trauen. Zum kirchlichen Engagement in der Kulturhauptstadt RUHR.2010’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 239-247.
  • Jean-Claude Schmitt, translated by Marie-Pierre Gelin, ‘Images and the Work of Memory, with Special Reference to the Sixth-Century Mosaics of Ravenna, Italy’, in: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, Mary Franklin-Brown (eds.), Memory and Commemoration in Medieval Culture (Ashgate, 2013) 13-32.
  • Sebastian Scholz, ‘Grabmäler als Zeugnisse der Memorialkultur’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 271-290.
  • Jennifer Scott, ‘Painting from life? Comments on the Date and Function of the Early Portraits of Elizabeth Woodville and Elizabeth of York in the Royal Collection’, in: Hannes Kleineke, Christian Steer (eds.), The Yorkist Age, 2011 Harlaxton Symposium Proceedings (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 18-26.
  • Monika Seifert, ‘Zwischen Tradition und Rezeption: das Lorscher Nekrolog’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 139-148.
  • Andrew Spicer, ‘Jeanne-Baptiste de Bourbon, the Plantagenets and the Restoration of Royal Tombs in Early Seventeenth-Century France’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 268-281.
  • Alexandra Stara, The Museum of French Monuments 1795-1816 ‘Killing art to make history’ (Ashgate, 2013).
  • Annemarie Stauffer, ‘Ein kostbares Geschenk. Der originale Einband des Theophanu-Evangeliars in Essen’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 107-117.
  • Patricia Stoop, Schrijven in commissie. De zusters uit het Brusselse klooster Jericho en de preken van hun biechtvaders (ca. 1456-1510) (Hilversum, 2013).
  • Sheila Sweetinburgh, ‘Canterbury’s Martyred Archbishop: the ‘Cult’ of Simon Sudbury (d. 1381) and Relations between City and Cathedral’, in: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013) 199-211.
  • Sarah Tarlow, Liv Nilsson Stutz (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Death and Burial (Oxford University Press, 2013).
  • Matthias Ubl, ‘ “The Office of the Dead”: a New Interpretation of the Spes Nostra Painting’, in: The Rijksmuseum Bulletin 61(2013), 322-337.
  • Stephan Wahle, ‘Gedenken Gottes – Gottes. Gedenken. Die liturgisch-theologische Dimension christlicher Anamnese’, in: Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2013) 41-52.
  • William E. Wallace, ‘Michelangelo, Luigi del Riccio, and the tomb of Cecchino Bracci’, in: Artibus et Historiae 35 (2013), 97-106.
  • Barbara Welzel, ‘ “Die Gemeinschaft der Lebenden und Verstorbenen.” Hermen Rodes Bilder für das Lübecker Maleramt als Beglaubigung von Memoria’, in: Jens Lieven, Michael Schlagheck, Barbara Welzel (eds.), with contributions by Rüdiger Glahs, Netzwerke der Memoria (Essen, 2013) 173-190.
  • Philip Whittemore, ‘The Lost Brass of John Dunstaple, ‘Musitian’, 1453 formerly in St. Stephen, Walbrook, London’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 124-Oct (2013) 474-5.

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  • Kristin B. Aavitsland, ‘Visualizing the art of dying in early protestant Scandinavia: a reading of a late sixteenth-century tapestry from Leksvik, Norway’, in: Journal of Early Modern Christianity 1:1 (2014), 115-41.
  • Sally Badham, ”What lies beneath’. A discovery at Much Marcle (Herefordshire)’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 29.2 (Spring, 2014), 16-19.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Lost Monuments from Goltho, Lincolnshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 125-Feb (2014) 496-7.
  • Sally Badham, Geoff Blacker, ‘The Pudsay Family of Bolton-by-Bowland and their Monuments’, in: Yorkshire archaeological journal 86 (2014), 138-68.
  • Sally Badham, ‘The so-called ‘Crowther monument’ at Aldenham (Hertfordshire)’, in: CMS Newsletter 3.1 (Autumn 2014), 19-20.
  • Sally Badham, ‘The brass to a man holding a church at North Creake (Norfolk)’, in: Norfolk Archaeology XLVI (2014), 31-36.
  • Joana Barreto, ‘Come soavemente dormisse: les funérailles des Aragon de Naples entre légitimation politique et exemplarité chrétienne’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 455-486.
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘The export of brass from England during the Reformation’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 126-Jun (2014) 515-6.
  • Jerome Bertram, Graves and Epitaphs – Writings on Brasses and Related Subjects (, 2014), 2 vols.
  • Jerome Bertram, Minor Mediaeval Monuments in Oxfordshire (, 2014).
  • Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, ‘Memoria and Nobility Research in the Netherlands’, in: Jens Lieven, Bert Thissen, Ronald Wientjes (eds.), Verortete Herrschaft. Königspfalzen, Adelsburgen und Herrschaftsbildung in Niederlothringen während des frühen und hohen Mittelalters. Schriften der Heresbach-Stiftung Kalkar 16 (Kalkar en Bielefeld: Heresbah-Stiftung en Verlag für Regionalgeschichte, 2014), 211-232.
  • Wim Blockmans, ‘Beau, fort et fertile: l’idéal du corps princier’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 767-781.
  • Birgitte Bøggild Johannsen, ‘Ars moriendi more regio: royal death in sixteenth century Denmark’, in: Journal of Early Modern Christianity 1:1 (2014), 51-90.
  • Michael Borgolte et al.(eds.), Enzyklopädie des Stiftungswesens in mittelalterlichen Gesellschaften, Band 1: Grundlagen (De Gruyter Akademie Forschung: Berlin / Boston, 2014).
  • Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014).
  • Éric Bousmar, H. Cools, ‘Le corps du Prince dans les anciens Pays-Bas, de l’État bourguignon à la Révolte (XIVe-XVIe siècles)’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 253-295.
  • Thalia Brero, Éva Pibiri, ‘Le corps du prince au sein des rituels funéraires de la Maison de Savoie (XIVe-XVIe siècles)’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 393-427.
  • Elisabeth A. R. Brown, ‘The French Royal Funeral Ceremony and the King’s Two Bodies. Ernst H. Kantorowicz, Ralph E. Giesey and the Construction of a Paradigm’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 105-137.
  • Sarah Brown, ‘The mystery of Neuton’s tomb’, in: Hanna Vorholt, Peter Young (eds.), 1414: John Neuton and the Re-Foundation of York Minster Library (2014), online on the University of York’s History of Art Research Portal.
  • Michael Carter, ‘Cistercian Abbots as Patrons of Art and Architecture: Northern England in the Late Middle Ages’, in: Martin Heale (ed.), The Prelate in England and Europe: 1300-1560 (York Medieval Press, 2014), 215-239.
  • Paul Cockerham and Nicholas Orme, ‘John Waryn and his Cadaver Brass, formerly in Menheniot Church, Cornwall’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19 (2014) 41-56.
  • Paul Cockerham, ‘Hanseatic Merchant Memorials: Individual Monuments or Collective ‘Memoria’?’, in: Caroline M. Barron, Anne F. Sutton (eds.), The Medieval Merchant: Proceedings of the 2012 Harlaxton Symposium (Donington, 2014), 392-413.
  • T. P. Connor, ”A Standinge Tombe Of Stone’. Early modern chest tombs in the churchyards of west Dorset and south Somerset’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 72-111.
  • Claudia Denk, John Ziesemer, Kunst und Memoria. Der Alte Südliche Friedhof in München (Berlin-München, 2014).
  • Mark Downing, Military Effigies of England & Wales, Volume 7: Warwickshire-Yorkshire East Riding (Shrewsbury, 2014).
  • Mark Downing, Military Effigies of England & Wales, Volume 8: Yorkshire North Riding-West Riding (Shrewsbury, 2014).
  • Mark Downing, Military Effigies of England & Wales, Volume 9: Wales (Shrewsbury, 2014).
  • Trevor Foulds, ‘In Medio Chori: The Tomb of Thomas of Corbridge, Archbishop of York, in Southwell Minster’, in: Journal British Archaeological Association CLXVII (2014), 109-23.
  • Stephen Freeth, ‘A Brass Figure in Lincolnshire Museum’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 125-Feb (2014) 488-9.
  • Christoph Luitpold Frommel, with Maria Forcellino, Claudia Echinger-Maurach & Antonio Forcellino, Michelangelo, Marmor und Geist: Das Grabmal Papst Julius II und seine Statuen (Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2014).
  • Murielle Gaude-Ferragu, ‘Le ‘Double corps’ de la reine. L’Entrée d’Isabeau de Bavière à Paris (22 août 1389)’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 139-169.
  • Brian and Moira Gittos, ‘Memorial to an English Mason in the Holy Land’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 29.2 (Spring, 2014), 15-16.
  • John Goodall, ‘Parish church treasures’, in: Country Life 208 (22 Jan, 29 Jan, 12 Feb, 26 Feb, 9 Apr, 30 Apr, 21 May, ? June 2014).
  • Knut Görich & Romedio Schmitz-Esser (eds), BarbarossaBilder: Entstehungskontexte, Erwartungshorizonte und Verwendungszusammenhänge (Schnell & Steiner: Regensburg, 2014).
  • Madeleine Gray, ‘Four weddings, three funerals and a historical detective puzzle’, in: Transactions of the Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club 31-46 (2014). Published in defective form: a corrected version is available online.
  • Laurent Hablot, ‘En chair et en signes. Le corps héraldique et emblématique du prince au cœur des rituels de cour’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 657-678.
  • Jelle Haemers, ‘L’anniversaire Gantois de Marie, duchesse de Bourgogne (27 mars 1483). Autour de la participation des sujets urbains à un service commémoratif pour une princesse décédée’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 341-363.
  • Oliver D. Harris, ‘The generations of Adam: the monument of Sir Gawen Carew in Exeter Cathedral’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 40-71.
  • David Harte, ‘The Temple Church, London – 22nd February 2014. Men of the Inner Temple and their Brasses’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 126-Jun (2014) 504-6.
  • Pernille Hermann, Stephen A. Mitchell, Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir (eds.), Minni and Muninn: Memory in Medieval Nordic Culture (Turnhout, 2014).
  • Kevin Herring, ‘Erfurt, St. Marien Cathedral revisited: the brass to Dr. Hunold von Plettenberg, 1475’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 127-Oct (2014) 536-8.
  • Rainer Hugener, Buchführung für die Ewigkeit. Totengedenken, Verschriftlichung und Traditionsbildung im Spätmittelalter (Zürich, 2014).
  • Antheun Janse, ‘Jacqueline of Bavaria and John of Brabant. The Princely Body as a Political Asset’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 317-339.
  • Ronda Kasl, The Making of Hispano-Flemish Style: art, commerce, and politics in fifteenth-century Castile (Brepols: Turnhout, 2014).
  • Emily Kearns, ‘Richard III’s epitaph revisited’, in: The Ricardian 24 (2014), 75-86.
  • Annette Kehnel, ‘Le corps fragile du prince. Dans les rites d’investiture médiévale’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 679-704.
  • Karin Kryger (ed.), Danske Kongegrave (Royal Danish Tombs) (Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen and Society for the Publication of Danish Cultural Monuments 2014).
  • Kees Kuiken, ‘Sint Jacobiparochie. Nieuwe vondsten van oude graven’, in: Alde Fryske Tsjerken 10 (June, 2014) 1-4.
  • Kees Kuiken, ‘Leermens herdacht. Memoriecultuur in Fivelgo vóór 1594’, in: Groninger Kerken 31-2 (2014) 33-40.
  • Kees Kuiken, ‘Herdenken in de kerk van Hommerts vóór en na de Hervorming’, in: Alde Fryske Tsjerken 11 (December 2014), 19-22.
  • Frédérique Lachaud, ‘Corps du prince, corps de la res publica. Ecriture métaphorique et construction politique dans le policraticus de Jean de Salisbury’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 171-199.
  • William Lack, ‘Conservation of Brasses, 2013’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19 (2014) 81-92.
  • Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada, ‘Protéger le corps et façonner les gestes du roi. Castille et Aragon (XIIIe-XVe siècle)’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 559-598.
  • Gilles Lecuppre, ‘Déficience du corps et exercice du pouvoir au XIVe siècle’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 705-719.
  • David Lepine, ”Pause and pray with mournful heart’: Late Medieval Clerical Monuments in Lincoln Cathedral’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19 (2014) 15-40.
  • Richard A. Leson, ‘Reconstructing the tomb of Robert of Cassel in Warneton’, in: Peregrinations 4:4 (2014), 128-51.
  • Anne E. Lester, ‘The coffret of John of Montmirail: the sacred politics of reuse in thirteenth-century northern France’, in: Peregrinations 4:4 (2014), 50-86.
  • Julian Luxford, ‘Catfield Church, Norfolk: A Lost Rectorial Brass and an Early Case of Brass-Preservation’, in: Journal British Archaeological Association CLXVII (2014), 205-12.
  • Richard Marks, ‘Brass and Glass: Rector Thomas Patesley and Great Shelford Church (Cambridgeshire)’, in: Vidimus 76 (2014).
  • J.M. Massing, N. Zeeman (eds.), King’s College Chapel 1515-2015: Art, Music and Religion in Cambridge (Turnhout, 2014).
  • Frank Meddens and Gillian Draper, ”Out on a limb’: insights into Grange, a small member of the Cinque Ports Confederation’, in: Archaeologia Cantiana 135 (2014) 1-32.
  • Jean-Marie Moeglin, ‘Corps de l’Empire et corps de l’Empereur (XIe-XVe siècle)’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 37-67.
  • María Narbona Cárceles, ‘Le corps d’une reine stérile. Marie de Castille, reine d’Aragon (1416-1456)’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 599-618.
  • Elizabeth New, ‘The Tomb and Seal of John Trillek, Bishop of Hereford: some comparative thoughts’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19 (2014) 2-14.
  • Elizabeth A. New, ‘Episcopal Embodiment: The Tombs and Seals of Bishops in Medieval England and Wales’, in: Martin Heale (ed.), The Prelate in England and Europe: 1300-1560 (York Medieval Press, 2014), 191-214.
  • Anna Nilsén, The Gothic Sculpture of Uppsala Cathedral: on spiritual guidance and creative joy (Brepols: Turnhout, 2014).
  • Michalis Olympios, ‘Stripped from the altar, recycled, forgotten: the altarpiece in Lusignan Cyprus’, in: Gesta 53:1 (2014), 47-72.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Adriaen Cornelis Clayssenzoon, 1524, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Kapelle (Zeeland, Netherlands)’, in: Monumental Brass Society (Brass of the Month, July 2014).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Gedenken en herkennen. Laatmiddeleeuwse (kinder)grafzerken in Zeeland’, in: Bulletin Stichting Oude Zeeuwse Kerken 69 (2014), 3-9.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, Trudi Brink, ‘A son’s delayed memorial to his dead mother’, in: website of The Church Monuments Society (Monument of the Month, March 2014).
  • Agostino Paravicini Bagliani, ”Le corps du pape’, vingt ans après’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 13-35.
  • Michael Penman, ‘Head, Body and Heart. Legitimating Kingship and the Burial of Robert Bruce, Scotland’s ‘Leper King’, CA 1286-1329′, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 229-252.
  • Malte Prietzel, ‘Le corps des évêques. L’exemple de Wurtzbourg aux XVe et XVIe siècles’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 67-104.
  • Giovanni Ricci, ‘Un corps sacré, un cadavre outragé. Deux princes d’Este au XVIe siècle’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 441-453.
  • Ursula Röper & Martin Treml (eds), Heiliges Grab – Heilige Gräber: Aktualität und Nachleben von Pilgerorten (Lukas-Verlag: Berlin, 2014).
  • Nigel Saul, ‘The sculptor of the monument of a serjeant-at-law at Flamstead (Hertfordshire): a sequel’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 7-21.
  • Hans-Joachim Schmidt, ‘Le roi ne meurt pas. Transmissions des concepts politiques aux successeurs par des testaments politiques’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 747-766.
  • Bertrand Schnerb, ‘Le corps armé du prince. Le duc de Bourgogne en guerre’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 297-315.
  • Minou Schraven, Festive Funerals in Early Modern Italy: the art and culture of conspicuous commemoration (Ashgate: Farnham, 2014).
  • Minou Schraven, ‘Contesting Supremacy. Funerals of the Spanish Monarchy in the Church of San Giacomo degli Spagnoli in Rome, 1497-1559’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 367- 391.
  • Sebastian Schulze, Mitteldeutsche Bildhauer der Renaissance und des Frühbarock (Schnell & Steiner: Regensburg, 2014).
  • Christine Shaw, ‘The Person of the Doge of Genoa’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 429-439.
  • Francesca Sivo, ‘Nani e giganti nel Mezzogiorno in età normanna’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 487-557.
  • W. M. Spellman, A Brief History of Death (Reaktion: London, 2014).
  • Christian Steer, ‘The Plantagenet in the Parish: The Burial of Richard III’s Daughter in Medieval London’, in: The Richardian 24 (2014), 63-73.
  • Christian Steer, ‘The Quadryng Brass at Outwell, Norfolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 126-Jun (2014) 513-4.
  • Krystina Stermole, ‘Politics, monuments, and Venice’s reclamation of Padua during the Cambrai War’, in: The Sixteenth Century Journal 45:2 (2014), 351-82.
  • Martin Stuchfield, ‘Intriguing palimpsest surfaces in Essex saleroom’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 126-Jun (2014) 512.
  • Ursula B. Thiel, Der Bildhauer und Medaillenschneider Dietrich Schro und seine Werkstatt in Mainz (1542/44-1572/73). Grabdenkmäler, Porträtmedaillen, Alabasterskulptur und Wappentafeln, Quellen und Abhandlungen zur Mittelrheinischen Kirchengeschichte 134 (Mainz: Selbstverlag der Gesellschaft für Mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte, 2014).
  • Steven Thiry, ‘How to Steal the King’s Body? Corporeal Identification of Princely Pretenders in the Renaissance’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 721-746.
  • Dennis Turner, Nigel Saul, ‘The lost chantry college of Lingfield’, in: Surrey Archaeological Collections XCVIII (2014), 153-74.
  • Jean-Bernard de Vaivre, Alain Marchandisse, Laurent Vissière, ‘L’agonie, la mort et les funérailles de Pierre d’Aubusson († 1503), grand maître de Rhodes et cardinal’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 619-655.
  • Luis Vasallo Toranzo & Sergio Pérez Martín, ‘Francisco Giralte y el sepulcro del Obispo Gutierre de Carvajal’, in: Archivo Español de Arte 86 (2014), 275-90.
  • Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen, ‘The ever-present death behind the church door: on the funeral bier and its emblematic qualities’, in: Journal of Early Modern Christianity 1:1 (2014), 91-114.
  • Matthew Ward, ‘Loyalty and Locality in Tudor Derbyshire: the brass of Nicholas Kniveton, 1500’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 125-Feb (2014) 492-4.
  • Philip Whittemore, ‘Millbrook, Bedfordshire: A Note on the Were Brass’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 125-Feb (2014) 489-90.
  • Philip Whittemore, ‘Dau Arysgrifau Cymraeg arall’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 126-Jun (2014) 508-10.
  • David Wilson (with an appendix by Sally Badham), ‘The Arches Court, Wootton St Lawrence and church monuments’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 112-153.
  • Jean L. Wilson, ‘The Cotton Monuments at Landwade’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 22-39.
  • Jean Winand, ‘Le corps du prince. La perception de l’Égypte ancienne’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 3-11.
  • Chris Woolgar, ‘Queens and Crowns: Philippa of Hainaut, possessions and the queen’s chamber in mid XIVth-century England’, in: Éric Bousmar, Hans Cools, Jonathan Dumont, & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Micrologus. Nature, sciences and medieval societies, 22: Le corps du Prince (Florence: Sismel, 2014) 201-228.

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  • Nicolangelo D’Acunto, ‘Mönchs- und Nonnenkonvente aus dem Regnum Italiae in den Libri vitae‘, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 223-238.
  • Ann Adams, ‘Willem Loemans of Cologne and the patronage of 15th-century brasses’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 130-October (2015), 590-3.
  • Rasmus Agertoft, ‘Resten er historie. 1500-tallets adelige gravsten som biografi’ (“The Rest is History: 16th Century Noble Funeral Monuments as Biography”), in: Historiske biografier. Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift (2015), ed. by Samfundet for dansk Genealogi og Personalhistorie, 62-91.
  • Hubert Allen, ‘Marblers and Monuments in the Middle Ages. A contribution by our Hon. Secretary to a Study Day in Oxford’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 129-June (2015), 573-5.
  • Martin Aurell, ‘L’art comme propaganda royale? Henri II, Aliénor d’Aquitaine et leurs enfants (1154-1204)’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 22-40.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Kneeling in prayer. English commemorative art 1330-1670’, in: The British Art Journal, vol. XI, no. 2 (2015), 2-16.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Medieval monuments to the de la Pole and Wingfield families’, in: E. Martin and P. Blore (eds.), Wingfield College and its Patrons: Piety and Prestige in Medieval Suffolk (Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, 2015), 135-76.
  • Sally Badham, Seeking Salvation: Commemorating the Dead in the Late-Medieval Parish (Shaun Tyas, Donington, 2015).
  • Sally Badham, Sophie Oosterwijk, ”Monumentum aere perennius‘? Precious-metal effigial tomb monuments in Europe 1080-1430’, in: Church Monuments 30 (2015), 7-105.
  • Jill Barlow, Richard Bryant, Carolyn Heighway, Chris Jeans and David Smith, Edward II. His Last Months and his Monument (Gloucester, 2015).
  • María Barrigón, ‘Textiles and farewells: revisiting the grave goods of King Alfonso VIII of Castile and Queen Eleanor Plantagenet’, in: Textile History 46:2 (2015), 235-57.
  • María Barrigón, ‘An exceptional outfit for an exceptional king: the blue funerary garments of Alfonso VIII of Castile at Las Huelgas’, in: Viator 46:3 (2015), 155-72.
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘The Southwark Workshops, 1585-1605’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 111-130.
  • Jerome Bertram, Icon and Epigraphy. The Meaning of European Brasses and Slabs (, 2015), 2 vols.
  • Rhianydd Biebrach, ‘Commemoration and Culture. The Monuments of Abergavenny Priory in Context’, in: George Nash (ed.), An Anatomy of a Parish Church. The Archaeology, History and Conservation of St Mary’s Priory Church, Abergavenny (Archaeopress, Oxford, 2015), 143-162.
  • Andreas Bihrer, ‘Angelsächsische Könige in der kontinentalen Memorialüberlieferung’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 379-403.
  • Peter Bloore, Edward Martin (eds.), Wingfield College and its Patrons: Piety and Prestige in Medieval Suffolk (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015).
  • Douglas Brine, Pious Memories. The Wall-Mounted Memorial in the Burgundian Netherlands (Brill, Leiden, 2015).
  • Eva-Maria Butz, ‘Herrschergedenken als Spiegel von Konsens und Kooperation. Zur politischen Einordnung von Herrschereinträgen in den frühmittelalterlichen Libri memoriales‘, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 305-328.
  • Dorigen Caldwell, ‘Grace and favour: Pius V and sepulchral architecture in counter-Reformation Rome’, in: Artibus et Historiae 72 (2015), 211-46.
  • Jean Campbell, ‘Vasari in Practice, or How to Build a Tomb and Make it Work’, in: L. Pericolo, J. N. Richardson (eds.), Remembering the Middle Ages in Early Modern Italy (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015).
  • Tobias Capwell, Armour of the English Knight 1400-1450 (Thomas del Mar, London, 2015).
  • Tobias Capwell, ‘The 15th century brass at Trotton: A hero of Agincourt as armoured icon’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 129-June (2015), 570-2.
  • Michael Carter, ‘The Mysterious Mitre on the Monument: A fifteenth-century grave cover at Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire’, in: Cîteaux Commentarii cistercienses. Revue d’Histoire Cistercienne / A Journal of Historical Studies / Zeitschrift für Zisterziensische Geschichte 66, 1-2 (2015), 7-20.
  • Neil Cartlidge, ‘A Debate with Death: John Rudyng’s Brass in St. Andrew’s Church, Biggleswade’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 94-100.
  • Brecht Dewilde, Bram Vannieuwenhuyze, ‘A Tangible Past: History Writing and Property Listing by the Brussels Seven Sorrows Confraternity, c. 1685’, in: E. S. Thelen (ed.), The Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels. Drama, Ceremony, and Art Patronage (16th-17th Centuries) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), 3-18.
  • Maximilian Diesenberger, ‘Könige und Herzöge im Salzburger Verbrüderungsbuch um 800’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 329-342.
  • Stefano D’Ovidio, ‘Osservazioni sulla struttura e l’iconografia della tomba di re Roberto d’Angiò in Santa Chiara a Napoli’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 92-112.
  • Rachel Dressler, ‘Identity, status, and material: medieval alabaster effigies in England’, in: Peregrinations 5:2 (2015), 65-96.
  • Daniel Dumitran, Marius Rotar (eds.), Places of Memory: Cemeteries and Funerary Practices throughout the Time, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica, 19/II (2015).
  • Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015).
  • Dieter Geuenich, ‘Das Reichenauer Verbrüderungsbuch’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 123-146.
  • Helen Gittos, Sarah Hamilton (eds.), Understanding Medieval Liturgy: Essays in Interpretation (Abingdon, 2015).
  • Mike Good and David Miller, ‘What constitutes error? Idiosyncrasies of composition and engravings in the inscription of 1586 to Sir Thomas Brudenell, 1549, Deene, Northamptonshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 128-Feb (2015), 552-5.
  • John Goodall, Parish Church Treasures: The Nation’s Greatest Art Collection (London & New York, Bloomsbury Continuum, 2015).
  • David Green, ‘The tomb of the Black Prince. Contexts and Incongruities’, in: Church Monuments 30 (2015), 105-122.
  • Norman Hammond, ‘A Hapsburg archducal chronogram on a lost monument’, in: Coat of Arms, 3rd ser. 11:2 (2015), 139-42.
  • David Harry, ‘A Cadaver in Context: the Shroud Brass of John Brigge Revisited’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 101-110.
  • Wolfgang Haubrichs, ‘Romanische und bairische Personennamen im Salzburger Verbrüderungsbuch’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 405-440.
  • Carole Hill, ‘Politics and Piety: the 15th century brasses at St. Giles-on-the-Hill, Norwich’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 128-Feb (2015), 547-9.
  • Historic England, Jewish Burial Grounds: understanding values (London: Barker Langham for Historic England, 2015). Available online.
  • John Insley, ‘The Old English and Scandinavian Personal Names of the Durham Liber Vitae to 1200′, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 441-452.
  • Franz-Josef Jakobi, ‘Der Liber Memorialis von Remiremont’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 87-122.
  • Jörg Jarnut, Martin Kroker, Stephan Müller, Matthias Wemhoff (eds.), Gräber im Kirchenraum (Wilhelm Fink: Paderborn, 2015).
  • Nienke de Jong, ‘Het Arnhemse klooster Bethanië. Een productiecentrum van handschriften voor een Gelders-Nederrijnse markt (1450-1475)’, in: Arnhems Historisch Tijdschrift 35:1 (2015), 16-23.
  • Tadeusz Jurkowlaniec, Nagrobki sredniowieczne w Prusach (Warsaw, 2015).
  • William Lack, ‘Conservation of Brasses, 2014’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 165-174.
  • Christian Lange, Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions, (Cambridge, 2015).
  • Christian Lange (ed.), Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions, (Leiden, 2015).
  • Thomas W. Laqueur, The Work of the Dead. A Cultural History of Mortal Remains (Princeton University Press, 2015).
  • David Lepine, ‘Commemoration of the Dead: new approaches, new perspectives, new material – 15th November 2014’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 128-Feb (2015), meeting reports 545-6.
  • Jens Lieven, ‘Großgruppeneinträge in den Libri memoriales. Anmerkungen zu Bischöfen der späten Karolingerzeit im Kontext großer Gruppen’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 239-272.
  • Phillip Lindley, The Howards and the Tudors. Studies in Science and Heritage (Shaun Tyas, Donington, 2015).
  • Joan Barclay Lloyd, ‘Saint Catherine of Siena’s tomb and its place in Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome: narration, translation and veneration’, in: Papers of the British School at Rome 83 (2015), 111-48.
  • Immaculada Lorés i Otzet, ‘Hagiography and memory: the use of Bishop Saint Ramon of Roda in the thirteenth century’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 136-51.
  • Vinni Lucherini, ‘Celebrare e cancellare la memoria dinastica nella Napoli angioina: le tombe delle principe Andrea d’Ungheria e della regina Giovanna I’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 76-91.
  • Uwe Ludwig, ‘Die beiden St. Galler Libri vitae aus dem 9. Jahrhundert’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 147-174.
  • Alastair Minnis, ‘Discourse beyond Death: The Language of Heaven in the Middle English Pearl‘, in: Mary Carruthers (ed.), Language in Medieval Britain. Networks and Exchanges (Donington, 2015), 214-228.
  • George McHardy, ‘Brasses in the Church of Our Lady and St. Alphonsus, Hanley Swan, Worcestershire’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 131-164.
  • Meta Niederkorn-Bruck, ‘Nomina scripta sunt in coelo‘, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 59-86.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Graven in de kerk: Middeleeuwse grafzerken in Sint-Maartensdijk’, (2015). Available online:
  • Massimo De Paoli, ‘La rotonda a Brescia: il rilievo del sarcofago de Berardo Maggi’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 189-93.
  • Frederick S. Paxton, ‘Researching rites for the dying and the dead’, in: Helen Gittos, Sarah Hamilton (eds.), Understanding Medieval Liturgy: Essays in Interpretation (Abingdon, 2015).
  • Gisela Probst, Die Memoria des Herren von Lichtenberg in Neuweiler (Elsass): Adelphus-Teppiche, Hochgrab Ludwigs V. († 1471), Heiliges Grab (1478), Glasmalereien (Reimer Mann Verlag: Berlin, 2015).
  • Edmond Roobaert, Trisha Rose Jacobs, ‘An Uncelebrated Patron of Brussels: Artists St Gorik’s Confraternity of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows (1499-1516)’, in: E. S. Thelen (ed.), The Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels. Drama, Ceremony, and Art Patronage (16th-17th Centuries) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), 93-112.
  • Peter Ryder, ‘Robert Markham slab from Rufford Abbey’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 130-October (2015), 588-9.
  • Rudolf Schieffer, ‘Memorialquellen in den Monumenta Germaniae Historica’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 17-32.
  • Thomas Schilp, ‘Überlegungen zur Sakramentarhandschrift D 1 als Liber vitae der Essener Frauenkommunität’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 203-221.
  • Marta Serrano-Coll, ‘Visualizing monarchic power from the 13th to 15th centuries: an example of narrative told through chronicles and funeral images in the Iberian Peninsula’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 113-23.
  • Susie Speakman Sutch, ‘Patronage, Foundation History, and Ordinary Believers: The Membership Registry of the Brussels Seven Sorrows Confraternity’, in: E. S. Thelen (ed.), The Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels. Drama, Ceremony, and Art Patronage (16th-17th Centuries) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), 19-48.
  • Christian Steer, ‘The Language of Commemoration’, in: Mary Carruthers (ed.), Language in Medieval Britain. Networks and Exchanges (Donington, 2015), 240-250.
  • Francesca Stroppa, ‘Immagine e buon Governo nell’ideologia politica e nella memoria visiva del vescovo Berardo Maggi (Brescia, 1275-1308)’, in: Hortus Artium Medievalium 21 (2015), 168-88.
  • Elizabeth C. Tingle and Jonathan Willis (eds.), Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Reformation Europe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015).
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  • E. S. Thelen, ‘Music and Liturgy of the Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels’, in: E. S. Thelen (ed.), The Seven Sorrows Confraternity of Brussels. Drama, Ceremony, and Art Patronage (16th-17th Centuries) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015) 67-89.
  • Lucinda Timmermans, ‘Onder de kalk bewaard. Vijftiende-eeuwse secco’s in de kerk van Sprang’, Madoc 29 nr. 4 (2015) 218-228.
  • Petr UliČný, ‘The choirs of St Vitus’s Cathedral in Prague: a marriage of liturgy, coronation, royal necropolis, and piety’, in: Journal of the British Archaeological Association 168 (2015), 186-233.
  • Sylvain Vondra, Le costume militaire médiéval: les chevaliers catalans du XIIIe au début du XVe siécle, étude archéologique (Nouvelles Éditions Loubatières: Carbonne, Oct 2015).
  • Christina Welch, ‘”Chopping and changing”: exploring the Willoughby carved cadaver memorials at St Leonard’s church, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire’, in: Church Archaeology 17 (for 2013, 2015), 63-78.
  • Howard Williams et al., Early medieval grave stones (Suffolk: Boydell and Brewer, 2015).
  • Howard Williams, Joanne Kirton, Meggen Gondek (eds.), Early Medieval Stone Monuments: Materiality, Biography, Landscape (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2015).
  • J. Willis (ed.), Sin and salvation in Reformation England (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015).
  • Ann Wintle, ‘Cirencester, Gloucestershire – 27th September 2014’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 128-Feb (2015), meeting reports 544-5.
  • Jean L. Wilson, ‘Speaking stones. The use of text in the design of Early Modern funerary monuments’, in: Church Monuments 30 (2015), 123-166.
  • Christof Woetmann, Peter Ferson, Songs for funerals and intercession: A collection of polyphony for the confraternity of St Barbara at the Corbie Abbey. Amiens, Bibliothèque Centrale Louis Aragon, MS 162 D (Copenhagen, 2015 – available online at:, 2 volumes.
  • Herwig Wolfram, ‘Die Libri vitae von Salzburg und Cividale und das Bayerische Ostland (799-907)’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 343-378.
  • Ursula Wolkewitz, Die gravierten Messinggrabplatten des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts im Bereich der nortdeutschen Hanse – ihre Herkunft und ihre Bedeutung (Kassel University Press, 2015).
  • Joachim Wollasch, ‘Formen und Inhalte mittelalterlicher memoria‘, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 33-57.
  • B. Wolters van der Wey, Corporate Splendour. A Typological, Iconographic and Social Approach to Civic Group Portraits in Brabant 1585-1800 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015).
  • Alfons Zettler, ‘Otmars Gefährten. Studien zum St. Galler Gelübdebuch und zu den ältesten St. Galler Mönchslisten’, in: Dieter Geuenich, Uwe Ludwig (eds.), Libri vitae. Gebetsgedenken in der Gesellschaft des Frühen Mittelalters (Köln / Weimar / Wien, 2015), 175-202.

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  • Ann Adams, Jessica Barker (eds.), Revisiting the Monument: Fifty Years Since Panofsky’s Tomb Sculpture (London, The Courtauld Institute of Art, 2016).
  • Ann Adams, ‘Revealed/Concealed: Monumental Brasses on Tomb Chests – The Examples of John I, Duke of Cleves, and Catherine of Bourbon’, in: Ann Adams, Jessica Barker (eds.), Revisiting the Monument: Fifty Years Since Panofsky’s Tomb Sculpture (London, The Courtauld Institute of Art, 2016), 160-183.
  • Stuart Airlie, ‘Earthly and Heavenly Networks in a World in Flux: Carolingian Family Identities and the Prague Sacramentary’, in: M. Diesenberger, R. Meens, H.G.E. Rose (eds.), The Prague Sacramentary. Culture, Religion, and Politics in Late Eight-Century Bavaria (Turnhout, 2016), 203-223.
  • David Adshead, ‘The Countess of Shrewsbury’s almshouses and monument’, in: David Adshead, David A.H.B. Taylor (eds.), Hardwick Hall: a great old castle of romance (Yale University Press: New Haven, 2016), 146-64.
  • Sally Badham, John Dent, ‘New Light on Lost Brasses in York Minster’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2016), 235-48.
  • Sally Badham, ‘The Rise to Popularity of Alabaster for Memorialisation in England’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016), 9–65.
  • Anna Janina Bannach, ‘Eine Anna Selbdritt des Dries Holthuys aus Warbeyen. Kunsttechnologische und restauratorische Untersuchungen einer niederrheinischen Skulptur um 1500’, in: Gerd Hallmanns, Beate Sturm (eds.), Vorträge zum Karl-Heinz-Tekath-Förderpreis 2015 (Geldern: Historischer Verein für Geldern und Umgegend, 2016), 36-59.
  • Nefeli Angeliki Bami, ‘Bureaucracies of Death: State and Religious Protocols in the Cemetery of Unidentified Immigrants in Sidiro (Evros Region, Greece)’, in: Alexander Berner, Jan-Marc Henke, Achim Lichtenberger, Bärbel Morstadt, Anne Riedel (eds.), Das Mittelmeer und der Tod. Mediterrane Mobilität und Sepulkralkultur (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016), 355-373.
  • Jessica Barker, ‘Stone and Bone: The Corpse, the Effigy and the Viewer in Late-Medieval Tomb Sculpture’, in: Ann Adams, Jessica Barker (eds.), Revisiting the Monument: Fifty Years Since Panofsky’s Tomb Sculpture (London, The Courtauld Institute of Art, 2016), 113-136.
  • Ron Baxter, The Royal Abbey of Reading (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: May 2016, John Hynkley, 1432, and widow Margaret, 1442, engraved after 1454, Great Thurlow, Suffolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: June 2016, indent, unknown priest, Seton Collegiate Church, East Lothian, Scotland’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: July 2016, Margaret de Buslingthorpe, 1369, Bothamsall. Nottinghamshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: August 2016, Ralph Fuloflove, 1479, West Harling, Norfolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: October 2016, man in armour, 1410, Holbeach, Lincolnshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: November 2016, Thomas Holte, 1545, & wife Margery, Aston, Warwickshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: December 2016, Richard Gerveys and wife Jane, 1574, Constantine, Cornwall’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2016).
  • Ralph Behrwald, ‘Senatoren als Stifter der Kirche im spätantiken Rom’, in: M. Verhoeven, L. Bosman, H. Van Asperen (eds.), Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past. Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016).
  • Alexander Berner, Jan-Marc Henke, Achim Lichtenberger, Bärbel Morstadt, Anne Riedel (eds.), Das Mittelmeer und der Tod. Mediterrane Mobilität und Sepulkralkultur (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016).
  • Alexander Berner, ‘Ehrenwerte Muslime, schändliche Kreuzfahrer? Zur Plünderung des muslimischen Friedhofs vor Antiochia im Rahmen der lateinischen Chronistik des Ersten Kreuzzugs’, in: Alexander Berner, Jan-Marc Henke, Achim Lichtenberger, Bärbel Morstadt, Anne Riedel (eds.), Das Mittelmeer und der Tod. Mediterrane Mobilität und Sepulkralkultur (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016), 243-267.
  • Anne Bollmann, ‘Memoria für die Zukunft. Zur Gestaltung von Erinnerung in den Schwesternbüchern der Devotio moderna’, in: Jeroen Deploige, Renée Nip (eds.), The Medieval Low Countries. An Annual Review. Special Issue: Manuscript and Memory in Religious Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, Volume 2 2015 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 155-185.
  • Trudi Brink, ‘First-rate and Second-hand: Tombstones Produced by Vincent Lucas in Sixteenth-century Friesland (Netherlands)’, (winner of the CMS Essay Prize Competition 2016) in: Church Monuments 31 (2016), 83–119.
  • Truus van Bueren, Paul Cockerham, Caroline Horch, Martine Meuwisse, Thomas Schilp (eds.), Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016).
  • Truus van Bueren and Corinne van Dijk, ‘The Memorial Painting which became a Text Panel. Intended and Actual Functions’, in: Truus van Bueren, Paul Cockerham, Caroline Horch, Martine Meuwisse, Thomas Schilp (eds.), Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 171-200.
  • Truus van Bueren and Charlotte Dikken, ‘From Memoria to Commemoration? Stained-Glass Windows in the Netherlands before and after the Reformation’, in: Truus van Bueren, Paul Cockerham, Caroline Horch, Martine Meuwisse, Thomas Schilp (eds.), Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 201-249.
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  • John Van Engen, ‘Memory and Manuscript in Personal Practice and Written Lives. The Case of the Modern-Day Devout’, in: Jeroen Deploige, Renée Nip (eds.), The Medieval Low Countries. An Annual Review. Special Issue: Manuscript and Memory in Religious Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, Volume 2 2015 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 215-250.
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  • Sanne Frequin, ‘Veiling and Unveiling: The Materiality of the Tomb of John I of Avesnes and Philippa of Luxembourg in the Franciscan church of Valenciennes’, in: Ann Adams, Jessica Barker (eds.), Revisiting the Monument: Fifty Years Since Panofsky’s Tomb Sculpture (London, The Courtauld Institute of Art, 2016), 184-200.
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  • Koen Goudriaan, ‘The Devotio Moderna and Commemoration. The Case of St Margaret’s Convent in Gouda’, in: Jeroen Deploige, Renée Nip (eds.), The Medieval Low Countries. An Annual Review. Special Issue: Manuscript and Memory in Religious Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, Volume 2 2015 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 109-154.
  • Eicke Granser, ‘Die Nekropole von San Montano (Pithekoussai): Ein Mosaik kultureller Diversität und Dynamiken?’, in: Alexander Berner, Jan-Marc Henke, Achim Lichtenberger, Bärbel Morstadt, Anne Riedel (eds.), Das Mittelmeer und der Tod. Mediterrane Mobilität und Sepulkralkultur (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016), 61-92.
  • Michael Grünbart, ‘Der malträtierte Leichnam: Zum Umgang mit Toten im byzantinischen Reich’, in: Alexander Berner, Jan-Marc Henke, Achim Lichtenberger, Bärbel Morstadt, Anne Riedel (eds.), Das Mittelmeer und der Tod. Mediterrane Mobilität und Sepulkralkultur (Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2016), 225-241.
  • J. P. Gumbert, ‘What Do We Want To Remember? Memories in the Manuscripts of Two Dutch Monasteries: The Benedictine Abbey of Egmond and the Utrecht Charterhouse’, in: Jeroen Deploige, Renée Nip (eds.), The Medieval Low Countries. An Annual Review. Special Issue: Manuscript and Memory in Religious Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, Volume 2 2015 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 19-35.
  • Nathalie de Haan, Olivier Hekster, ‘‘In Hoc Signo Vinces’. The Various Victories Commemorated Through the ‘Labarum’’, in: M. Verhoeven, L. Bosman, H. Van Asperen (eds.), Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past. Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016).
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  • Bram Kempers, ‘Clergy and Laity Viewing Both Sides of Painted Altarpieces in Rome, Siena, San Sepolcro and Perugia’, in: M. Verhoeven, L. Bosman, H. Van Asperen (eds.), Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past. Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016).
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  • Paolo Liverani, ‘The Memory of the Bishop in Early Christian Basilicas’, in: M. Verhoeven, L. Bosman, H. Van Asperen (eds.), Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past. Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016).
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  • Robert Marcoux, ‘Investigating the Metal Tombs of Medieval France: A Statistical Approach’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2016), 186-212.
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  • Geoffrey Nuttall, ‘Panofsky’s Tomb Sculpture and the Development of the Early Renaissance Floor Tomb: The Tomb Slab of Lorenzo Trenta by Jacopo della Quercia Reappraised’, in: Ann Adams, Jessica Barker (eds.), Revisiting the Monument: Fifty Years Since Panofsky’s Tomb Sculpture (London, The Courtauld Institute of Art, 2016), 68-87.
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  • Thomas Schilp, ‘Memoria in einer Dorfkirche nach dem Vierten Laterankonzil (1215). Bau und Ausstattung von St. Johann Baptist in Dortmund-Brechten (um 1250)’, in: Truus van Bueren, Paul Cockerham, Caroline Horch, Martine Meuwisse, Thomas Schilp (eds.), Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 25-66.
  • Thomas Schilp, ‘Memoria: Kultur der Erinnerung und Vergessen. Überlegungen zur Frauengemeinschaft Clarenberg bei Dortmund-Hörde im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert’, in: Truus van Bueren, Paul Cockerham, Caroline Horch, Martine Meuwisse, Thomas Schilp (eds.), Reformations and their Impact on the Culture of Memoria (Turnhout: Brepols, 2016), 121-140.
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  • Alan E. Bernstein, Hell and Its Rivals. Death and Retribution among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Early Middle Ages (Ithaca, NY:  Cornell University Press, 2017).
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  • Jerome Bertram, Paul Cockerham, Alan Fleming’s Brass at Newark(published by, 2017).
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  • Paul Cockerham, ‘Bishops, Deans and Canons: Commemorative Contexts Across Two Centuries at Exeter Cathedral’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19:4 (2017), 277-300.
  • James Stevens Curl, ‘After 1587: A Flemish Funerary Connection to Mary Queen of Scots’, in: Church Monuments 32 (2017), 85-108.
  • Otfried Czaika, ‘Dying Unprepared in Early Modern Swedish Funeral Sermons’, in: Anu Lahtinen & Mia Korpiola (eds.), Dying Prepared in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe (Leiden, Brill, 2017), 142-159.
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  • Stephen Freeth, ‘Two Brass Fragments in Scunthorpe Museum’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 134-Feb (2017), 676.
  • Paul van Geest, ‘Non sufficit hec orare, sed et necesse est se purgare … Gabriel Biel’s Representation of the Intellect, the Will and Memory in his Canonis Missae Expositio’, in: Paul van Geest, Marcel Poorthuis, Els Rose (eds.), Sanctifying Texts, Transforming Rituals. Encounters in Liturgical Studies (Leiden, Brill, 2017), 123-151.
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  • Stephen Gordon, ‘Dealing with the Undead in the Later Middle Ages’, in: Thea Tomaini (ed.), Dealing With The Dead. Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leiden, Brill, 2017), 97-128.
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  • Kevin Herring, ‘The Dutch artist Maerten van Heemskerck and his connections with the brass in St. Laurenskerk, Alkmaar’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 134-Feb (2017), 672-5.
  • Kevin Herring, ‘Brass of the Month: March 2017 – Duchess Katharina of Saxony, 1561, Freiberg Cathedral, Germany’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2017).
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  • John Lee, ‘‘Tis the sheep have paid for all’: Merchant Commemoration in Late Medieval Newark’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19:4 (2017), 301-27.
  • Mary E. Leech, ‘The Corpse of Public Opinion: Thomas of Norwich, Anti-Semitism, and Christian Identity’, in: Thea Tomaini (ed.), Dealing With The Dead. Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leiden, Brill, 2017), 148-172.
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  • Harriette Peel, ‘Kateline d’Ault and the Angels: the Brass of Kateline d’Ault (d. 1461) in St James’, Bruges’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19:4 (2017), 333-57.
  • Anthony Perron, ‘The Medieval Cemetery as Ecclesiastical Community: Regulation, Conflict, and Expulsion, 1000-1215’, in: Thea Tomaini (ed.), Dealing With The Dead. Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leiden, Brill, 2017), 253-273.
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  • Wendy J. Turner, ‘Afterword: A Few Thoughts on the Dead, the Living, and Liminal Existence’, in: Thea Tomaini (ed.), Dealing With The Dead. Mortality and Community in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Leiden, Brill, 2017), 393-396.
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  • Unknown author, Hortus Artium Medievalium 24 (2018) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018).
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  • Sally Badham, ‘The monument to Walter and Christina Aubrey at Brecon Cathedral and the Golden Rood’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 33-2 (Spring 2018).
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  • Jessica Barker, ‘Frustrated seeing: scale, visibility and a fifteenth-century Portuguese royal monument’, in: Art History 41:2 (2018), 220-45.
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: January 2018 – Dame Millicent Meryng, 1419, East Markham, Nottinghamshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
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  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: May 2018 – Thomasine Palmer, 1544 Moulton St Mary, Norfolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: June 2018 – William Knyght, 1501, & wife Katherine, 1506, Norton, Northamptonshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: July 2018 – Thomas, 1450, & Agnes Knaresburght, 1498, Floore, Northamptonshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: August 2018 – Robert, 1526, and Mary Appleton, Little Waldingfield, Suffolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: September 2018 – John Harewell, 1505, and wife Dame Anne, Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Brass of the Month: October 2018 – Geoffrey and Joyce Sherard, 1492, Stapleford, Leicestershire’, in: Monumental Brass Society (2018).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘The first advertisements by sculptors in England’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 33-2 (Spring 2018).
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘Newdegate must fall’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 137-Feb (2018), 733-734.
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘Joining the Dots’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 138-June (2018), 749-751.
  • Susanna Blaser-Maier, Hic Iacet Regina: Form und Funktion figürlicher Königinnengrabmäler von 1200 bis 1450 (Michael Imhof Verlag: Petersberg, 2018).
  • Matthias Bollmeyer, ‘Sterben und Tod im Spiegel frühneuzeitlicher Gelegenheitsschriften in Nordwestdeutschland’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 247-276.
  • Peter Bolton, ‘The Wyatt monument at St Mary, Usk (Gwent)’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 33-2 (Spring 2018).
  • Clive Burgess, The Right Ordering of Souls: The Parish of All Saints’ Bristol on the Eve of the Reformation (Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2018).
  • Richard Busby, ‘Brasses of the English Civil War: Two Case Studies’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19:5 (2018), 445-56.
  • Elvira Cajano, ‘Il sepolcro del Beato Angelico nella Chiesa della Minerva in Roma: le vicende e il restauro’, in: Bollettino d’Arte 37/38 (2018), 45-58.
  • Sandra Cardarelli, ‘Remembering the Dead, Planning the Afterlife in Fifteenth-Century Tuscany: The Case of Cione di Ravi’ with an appendix of the testament of Cione di Ravi, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 187-236. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Matthew J. Champion, ‘Memory made solid: Informal church monuments and graffiti’, in: Church Monuments 33 (2018).
  • Paul Cockerham, ‘“We’re all tooooombed……” – ‘Loci Sepulcralis: Pantheons and other Places of Memory and Burial in the Middle Ages’ – a conference in Batalha, Portugal, 21st-23rd September 2017’, in : Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 137-Feb (2018), 727-729.
  • Meredith Crosbie, ‘Noble Aspirations: Social Mobility and Commemoration in Two Seventeenth-Century Venetian Funerary Monuments’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 237-54. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Gillis Dorleijn, ‘“O krancke troost”. Poëzie en rouw in de Nederlandse letterkunde’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 293-309.
  • Anna M. Duch, ‘Bodies in constant motion: the burials and reburials of the Plantagenet dynasty, c.1272-1399’, in: Fourteenth Century England 10 (2018), 179-201.
  • Maarten Duijvendak, ‘Fama post mortem. Herinnerd worden in een grensgebied ’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 7-17.
  • Stephen Freeth, ‘Flemish Brasses in Funchal Cathedral, Madeira’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 138-June (2018), 755-756.
  • Stephen Freeth, ‘New Fragments of Brasses at the Museum of London’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 138-June (2018), 756-757.
  • Laura Goldenbaum, In testimonium veritatis. Der Bronzegisant als Totenabbild im italienischen Quattrocento, Italienische Forschungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, I Mandorli Band 23 (Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2018).
  • David Green, ‘The Brass of Sir Nicholas Dagworth’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19:5 (2018), 416-24.
  • Robin Griffith-Jones, Eric Fernie (eds.), Tomb and Temple. Re-imagining the Sacred Buildings of Jerusalem (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2018).
  • Christian Hagen, Margareth Lanzinger, and Janine Maegraith, ‘Competing Interests in Death-Related Stipulations in South Tirol, c. 1350–1600’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 88-118.
  • Barbara J. Harris, English Aristocratic Women and the Fabric of Piety, 1450-1550  (Amsterdam University Press: Amsterdam, 2018).
  • Michael Harris, ‘Commemoration of the War Dead in the ‘Long Eighteenth Century’’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19:5 (2018), 457-76.
  • Martina Hartl, Leichen, Asche und Gebeine (Regensburg, Verlagsgruppe Schnell & Steiner, 2018).
  • R.H. Helmholz, ‘Deathbed Strife and the Law of Wills in Medieval and Early Modern England’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 239-257.
  • Nina Hennig, ‘Vöör de Dood is geen Kruut wussen. Zu Bräuchen in Ostfriesland bei Tod und Begräbnis’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 19-32.
  • Michael Hermann, ‘„Und im Bette todt gefunden“. Quellen zu Sterben und Begraben im Niedersächsischen Landesarchiv – Standort Aurich’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 47-64.
  • Kevin Herring, ‘The Brass to Johann II, Duke of Kleve, 1521, and his wife Mechtild, 1505, in St. Mariae Himmelfahrt, Kleve, Germany’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 139-Oct (2018), 775-776.
  • Gerard C. den Hertog, ‘Tod, Trauer und Trost in der christlichen Glaubenslehre’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 159-171.
  • Michael Hodges, The Urns and Sepulchres of Mortality: the church monuments of Wiltshire (Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust: Corsham, 2018).
  • Jeremy Hodgkinson, ‘The Anne Forster firebacks’, in: Surrey Archaeol Collections 101 (2018), 99-114.
  • Alex Holthuis, Karen de Vries & Maarten Duijvendak, ‘Erinnerungen an die Grippe-Opfer aus Veendam. Die große Grippe-Epidemie von 1918 im Norden der Niederlande’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 33-45.
  • Martin J. M. Hoondert, ‘Das Requiem und die beiden Weltkriege. Tod – Erinnerung – Trost – Musik’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 279-291.
  • Anne Huijbers, Zealots for Souls. Dominican Narratives of Self-Understanding during Observant Reforms, c. 1388-1517 (De Gruyter: Berlin, 2018).
  • Jaap Matthijs Jansen, ‘Het Groninger grafgedicht. Een karakterisering van het genre’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 129-144.
  • Peter Murray Jones, ‘Commemoration at a Royal College’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • Christoph Jedan, ‘Trost durch Argumente. Reflexionen über die Eigenheit christlichen Trostes’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 195-212.
  • Hans-Christian Kammler, ‘Der Trost des Evangeliums angesichts des Todes. Biblisch-theologische Perspektiven’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 173-193.
  • Gert van Klinken, ‘Forschungen an beschriebenen Grabsteinen im Norden der Niederlande (1760-1960)’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 117-128.
  • Sonja König & Paula Schiefer, ‘Memento mori – Von der Suche nach Gemeinsamkeiten in der Bestattungskultur bis zu einer Grabsteindatenbank’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 107-115.
  • Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018).
  • Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen, ‘Introduction’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 1-25.
  • Mia Korpiola & Elsa Trolle Önnerfors, ‘Inheritance Law, Wills, and Strategies of Heirship in Medieval Sweden’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 27-65.
  • S. Krag, Funerary Representations of Palmyrene Women. From the First Century BC to the Third Century AD (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018).
  • Justin E.A. Kroesen, ‘Mittelalterliche Priestergrabplatten in Ostfriesland und im Groningerland’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 65-78.
  • Anu Lahtinen, ‘The Will of Filippa Fleming (1578), Family Relations, and Swedish Inheritance Law’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 258-277.
  • Marko Lamberg, ‘Mutual Testaments in Late Medieval Stockholm, c. 1420–1520’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 177-210.
  • Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018). Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Anne Leader, ‘The Sepulchralization of Renaissance Florence’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 75-106. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • John S. Lee, ‘Monuments and Memory: A University Town in Late Medieval England’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • David Lepine, ‘‘Shining with every Virtue’?: John Hornley, vicar of Dartford, 1442-77’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 137-Feb (2018), 730-732.
  • Tineke Looijenga, ‘De wormenverzen op Groninger grafstenen’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 145-158.
  • Federica Masè, ‘Men and Women Preparing for Death in Renaissance Venice (c. 1200–1600)’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 153-176.
  • Karen Rose Mathews, ‘Recycling for Eternity: The Reuse of Ancient Sarcophagi by Pisan Merchants, 1200–1400’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 25-48. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Barbara McNulty, ‘The Panel Painting as a Choice for Family Commemoration: The Case of Fifteenth-Century Patrons on Cyprus’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 271-96. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • David Meara, ‘‘Sorrow and Pride’: Commemorating the Anglo-Boer War in Brass’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19:5 (2018), 477-87.
  • Anthony Musson, ‘Medieval English Lawyers’ Wills and Property Strategies’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 119-152.
  • Elizabeth A. New and Claire Gobbi Daunton, ‘Patrons and Benefactors: The Masters of Trinity Hall in the Later Middle Ages’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • Elizabeth Norton, ‘Two Elizabethan cadaver tombs in the West Midlands’, in: Church Monuments 33 (2018).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Adult Appearances? The Representation of Children and Childhood in Medieval Art’, in: Sally Crawford, Dawn Hadley, Gillian Shepherd (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Childhood (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018), 590-607.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, Sally Badham, ‘Relief Copper Alloy Tombs in Medieval Europe: Image, Identity and Reception / Les Tombeaux de Cuivre en Relief dans l’Europe Médiévale: Image, Identité et Réception’, in: Nicolas Thomas, Pete Dandridge (eds.), Cuivres, Bronzes et laitons médiévaux. Histoire, archéologie et archéométrie des productions en laiton, bronze et autres alliages à base de cuivre dans l’Europe médiévale (12e-16e siècles) / Medieval Copper, Bronze and Brass. History, archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other copper alloy objects in medieval Europe (12th-16th centuries) [Actes du colloque de Dinant et Namur, 15-17 mai 2014. Proceedings of the symposium of Dinant and Namur, 15-17 May 2014] (Namur, 2018), 365-375.
  • Agnieszka Patała, ‘Nuremberg Merchants in Breslau (1440–1520): Commemoration as Assimilation’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 49-74. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Françoise Passard-Urlacher, ‘Signes d‘héritage et de mutation dans le nord du Royaume franc de Burgondie: le langage des pratiques funéraires’, in: A. Wagner, N. Brocard (eds.), Les Royaumes de Bourgogne jusqu’en 1032 à travers la culture et la religion (Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2018).
  • Harriette Peel, ‘The Knight and the Merchant: Familial Commemorative Strategy in the Wake of the Flemish Revolts ca. 1482–1492’ with an appendix of Lodewijk’s memorial requests, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 297-326. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Kees van der Ploeg, ‘Sehen und glauben. Über die Anziehungskraft des Bildes im Christentum’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 213-246.
  • Susan Powell, ‘Cambridge Commemorations of the Household of Lady Margaret Beaufort (1443-1509)’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018).
  • Tuula Rantala, ‘Monastic Donations by Widows: Morning Gifts as Assets in Planning for Old Age and Death in Fifteenth-Century Sweden’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 66-87.
  • Michael Robson, ‘The Commemoration of the Living and the Dead at the Friars Minor of Cambridge’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • Nicholas Rogers, ‘‘The Stones are all disrobed’: Reasons for the Presence and Absence of Monumental Brasses in Cambridge’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018).
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Commemoration of the War Dead in Late Medieval England’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19:5 (2018), 383-415.
  • Martin Speight, ‘A Shropshire enigma’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 34-1 (Autumn 2018).
  • Charlotte A. Stanford, ‘Commemoration through Food: Obits Celebrated by the Franciscan Nuns of Late Medieval Strasbourg’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 255-70. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • David Stannard, ‘Brass Rood Statues at Holy Trinity Church, Ingham, Norfolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 137-Feb (2018), 735.
  • Christian Steer, ‘Introduction: In Fellowship with the Dead’, in: John S. Lee & Christian Steer (eds.), Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2018), 1-9.
  • Christian Steer, ‘The Death of Achilles: The Funerary Brass of Sir Humphrey Bourchier’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, 19:5 (2018), 425-444.
  • Christian Steer, ‘The Franciscans and their Graves in Medieval London’, in: Michael Robson and Patrick Zutschi (eds.), The Franciscan Order in the Medieval English Province and Beyond (Amsterdam, 2018), 115-38.
  • Christian Steer, ‘A Community of the Dead in Late Medieval London’, in: Medieval Prosopography: Special Issue ‘Those who worked, those who fought, and those who prayed. In Honor of Joel T. Rosenthal, 33 (2018), 181-94.
  • Christian Steer, ‘“Under the tombe that I have there prepared”: Monuments for the Tailors and Merchant Tailors of Medieval London’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe (Kalamazoo, 2018), 107-28. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Martin Stuchfield, ‘Medieval knight on the move from Sutton to Rochford, Essex’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 139-Oct (2018), 767-769.
  • Heiko Suhr, ‘Der alte reformierte Friedhof in Leer’, in: Bart Ramakers (ed.), Memento Mori. Sterben und Begraben in einem ruralen Grenzgebiet. Sterven en begraven in een rurale grensregio. Historia Agriculturae 48 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2018), 79-105.
  • Nicolas Thomas, Pete Dandridge (eds.), Cuivres, Bronzes et laitons médiévaux. Histoire, archéologie et archéométrie des productions en laiton, bronze et autres alliages à base de cuivre dans l’Europe médiévale (12e-16e siècles) / Medieval Copper, Bronze and Brass. History, archaeology and archaeometry of the production of brass, bronze and other copper alloy objects in medieval Europe (12th-16th centuries) [Actes du colloque de Dinant et Namur, 15-17 mai 2014. Proceedings of the symposium of Dinant and Namur, 15-17 May 2014] (Namur, 2018).
  • Jonathan Trigg, ‘Brass Memorials to Conflict of the Liverpool Region’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19:5 (2018), 488-505.
  • Hilary Wheeler, ‘A Livery Guild Memorial’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 34-1 (Autumn 2018).
  • Philip Whittermore, ‘Further Indents at York Minster’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 138-June (2018), 752-754.
  • Philip Whittermore, ‘The Fortescue Brass at Weare Giffard, Devonshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 139-Oct (2018), 770-771.
  • Ruth Wolff, ‘Tombs and the imago doctoris in cathedra in Northern Italy, ca. 1300–1364’, in: Anne Leader (ed.), Memorializing the Middle Class in Medieval and Renaissance Europe(Kalamazoo, 2018), 129-56. Available for download on 1 October 2020 at
  • Kim Woods, Cut in Alabaster: a Material of Sculpture and its European Traditions 1330-1530 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2018).
  • Jakub Wysmułek, ‘Wills as Tools of Power: Development of Testamentary Practice in Krakow during the Late Middle Ages’, in: Mia Korpiola & Anu Lahtinen (eds.), Planning for Death Wills and Death-Related Property Arrangements in Europe, 1200-1600 (Leiden, Brill, 2018), 211-238.

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  • Unknown author, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: John and Jane Corbet’, in: Monumental Brass Society (March 2019).
  • Unknown author, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Sir Laurence Pabenham and wives Elizabeth and Joan’, in: Monumental Brass Society (April 2019).
  • Unknown author, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Nicholas Parker’, in: Monumental Brass Society (June 2019).
  • Unknown author, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Abbot Heribert von Lülsdorf’, in: Monumental Brass Society (October 2019).
  • Unknown author, ‘Monument of the month: The Neunheller epitath at Ladenburg’, in: Church Monuments Society (January 2019).
  • Moira Ackers, ‘Monument of the month: The Thomas Farnham monument (c.1562) at Stoughton, Leicestershire: a conundrum or two’, in: Church Monuments Society (May 2019).
  • Arnoud-Jan Bijsterveld, ‘Creating Commemorative Communities: Remembering the Holocaust in the 21st-Century Netherlands’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 315-330.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Divided in Death: The iconography of English medieval heart and entrails monuments’, in: Church Monuments 34 (2019), 16-76.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Monument of the month: Hawise de la Barre D. Pre 1381, Heiress of the Pembrugge family of Clehonger (Herefordshire)’, in: Church Monuments Society (December 2019).
  • Vanda Bartoszuk, ‘Monument of the month: The ‘Charnel Chapel Lady’ in Worcester Cathedral’, in: Church Monuments Society (September 2019).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Sir Humfrey Stafford and wife Margaret’, in: Monumental Brass Society (May 2019).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Nicholas Byldysdon and wife Kateryn’, in: Monumental Brass Society (July 2019).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Ann Paston’, in: Monumental Brass Society (August 2019).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: William and Alice Water’, in: Monumental Brass Society (November 2019).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: John Goose’, in: Monumental Brass Society (December 2019).
  • Michael Borgolte, ‘Stiftung und Memoria. Ein mediävistisches Forschungskonzept in universalhistorischer Perspektive’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 75-92.
  • Christoph Brachmann (ed.), Arrayed in Splendour. Art, fashion, and textiles in medieval and Early Modern Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
  • Christoph Brachmann, ‘Love and Resurrection: The Luxembourg Dynasty’s Funeral Garments at St Vitus Cathedral in Prague’, in: Christoph Brachmann (ed.), Arrayed in Splendour. Art, fashion, and textiles in medieval and Early Modern Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
  • Hans Gerd Dormagen, ‘St. Maria-im-Capitol, Köln, Germany’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 140-Feb (2019), 788-792.
  • Stephen Freeth and Derrick Chivers, ‘Fragments of medieval tomb slabs at St.Paul’s Cathedral’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 141-June (2019), 810-812.
  • Furtado, M. Moscone (eds.), From Charters to Codex. Studies on Cartularies and Archival Memory in the Middle Ages (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
  • Brian and Moira Gittos, Interpreting Medieval Effigies: The Evidence from Yorkshire to 1400 (Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2019).
  • Bernhard Jussen, ‘Wo ist die ‘mittelalterliche Ständegesellschaft’? – Eine Suche bei Malern und Steinmetzen des Jüngsten Gerichts’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 119-138.
  • Ilona Hans-Collas et al.(eds), Mort n’espargne ne petit ne grant. Études autour de la mort et de ses représentations, Actes du XVIIIe Congrès international Danses macabres d’Europe (Vendôme: Éditions du Cherche-Lune, 2019).
  • David Harry, Constructing a Civic Community in late Medieval London: the Common Profit, Charity and Commemoration (Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 2019).
  • Diane Heath, ‘Tombscape: the tomb of Lady Joan de Mohun in the crypt of Canterbury cathedral’, in: Victoria Blud, Diane Heath & Einat Klafter (eds.), Gender in Medieval Places, Spaces and Thresholds (University of London Press: London, 2019).
  • Matthew Hefferan, ‘The Brass of Thomas Stapel (d. 1372), Sergeant-at-Arms to Edward III: A Monument to a Career in Household Service’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 20 (2019).
  • Hans-Joachim Hildenbrand, Grabplatten und Epitaphien im Konstanzer Münster (Hartung-Gorre Verlag: Konstanz, 2019).
  • Kees Kuiken, Rural salvation markets. Medieval memoria in Dutch village parishes. Historia Agriculturae 49 (Groningen en Wageningen: Nederlands Agronomisch Historisch Instituut, 2019).
  • Nicola Lowe, ‘New findings at the parish church of St Mary, Witney (Oxfordshire): The fourteenth-century north transept and monument’, in: Church Monuments 34 (2019).
  • Julian Luxford, ‘Ex Terra Vis: The Cadaver Brass of Richard and Cecily Howard at Aylesham, Norfolk’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 20 (2019).
  • Julian Luxford, ‘The rape and restoration of a Surrey brass’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 142-Oct (2019), 830-832.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘A new Age of Bronze? Copper-alloy tomb monuments in medieval Europe’, in: Evangelia Georgitsoyanni (ed.), Ancient Greek art and European funerary art, Proceedings of the 2017 ASCE conference (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), 3-31.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Morbid morality. The danse macabre motif in Dutch art of the Golden Age’, in: Ilona Hans-Collas et al. (eds), Mort n’espargne ne petit ne grant. Études autour de la mort et de ses représentations, Actes du XVIIIe Congrès international Danses macabres d’Europe (Vendôme: Éditions du Cherche-Lune, 2019)174-194.
  • Walter Pauly, ‘Das Gesetz vom Sinai als literarisches Motiv’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 287-314.
  • Wilfried Reininghaus, ‘Die ‘Historischen Kulturwissenschaften’ als selbstreflexive Disziplin. Begegnungen mit Otto Gerhard Oexle und seinem Werk’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 39-73.
  • Frank Rexroth, ‘‘Abendland-Substanz-Literatur’? Über Ernst Robert Curtius, sein größtes Werk und die Mittelalterbilder des 20. Jahrhunderts’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 249-265.
  • Klaus Ries, ‘Wahrheit und Objektivität in der historischen Erkenntnis: Problemlinien mit offenen Enden’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 267-285.
  • Nicholas Rogers, ‘Bishop Hallum’s Brass in Konstanz Minster’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 20 (2019).
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Insignia and Status: Banners on Brasses in England in the Later Middle Ages’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 20 (2019).
  • Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019).
  • Thomas Schilp, ‘Stadtbau und Memoria. Das memoriale Pienza (1459–1464) und Sabbioneta (1554–1591)’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 139-248.
  • Jean-Claude Schmitt, ‘Otto Gerhard Oexle (1939–2016)’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 31-38.
  • Kristina Seizinger, Memoria und Konfession: Süddeutsche Grabdenkmäler im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung (University of Tübingen, dissertation, 2019). Free download at
  • Leslie Smith, ‘The fixing and unfixing of monumental brasses’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 142-Oct (2019), 827-829.
  • Annemarie Stauffer, ‘Textile Schenkungen und memoriales Handeln im frühen und hohen Mittelalter’, in: Thomas Schilp, Caroline Horch (eds.), Memoria – Erinnerungskultur – Historismus. Zum Gedenken an Otto Gerhard Oexle (28. August 1939 – 16 Mai 2016) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2019), 93-118.
  • Nigel J. Tringham, ‘Rose de Verdun (d.1247) and Grace Dieu priory: endowment charter and tomb’, in: Transactions – Leicestershire Archaeology & History Society 93 (2019), 199-220.
  • Giulia Rossi Vairo, Joana Ramôa Melo & Maria João Vilhena de Carvalho (eds.), Almas de Pedra: escultura tumular: da criação à musealização / Souls of Stone: funerary sculpture: from creation to musealization (Instituto de Estudos Medievais: Lisbon, 2019).
  • Philip Whittermore, ‘Wills and Brasses: surviving examples’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 140-Feb (2019), 794-797.
  • Philip Whittermore, ‘A curious indent at Southwold, Suffolk’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 141-June (2019), 813.
  • Philip N. Wood, ‘Medieval Cross Slabs from Trondheim, Norway’, in: Church Monuments Society Newsletter 34-2 (Spring 2019).

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  • Unknown author, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Thomas & Elizabeth Burgoyn’, in: Monumental Brass Society (June 2020).
  • Ann Adams, ‘Place and Space: The Epitaphs of Jean de Melun and Philippe Pot, Fifteenth-Century Knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Sally Badham, ‘The Iconography and Meaning of Semi-Effigial and Related Monuments in Lincolnshire c. 1275–c. 1400’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Sally Badham, ‘Testamentary brasses and related slabs in late medieval Suffolk parish churches’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 143-Feb (2020), 848-851.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Heart imagery on medieval English brasses’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 144-June (2020), 867-870.
  • Sally Badham, ‘More Heart Monuments’, in: CMS Newsletter 36.1 (Autumn, 2020), 13-14.
  • Sally Badham, ‘Monument of the month: Sir John Domer (d. after 1321) Pendomer (Somerset)’, in: Church Monuments Society (June 2020).
  • Sally Badham, ‘A virtual study day at Burrough Green, Cambridgeshire’, in: Church Monuments Society (2020).
  • Sally Badham, ‘A likely heart monument in store at Exeter Cathedral’, in: Church Monuments Society (2020).
  • Jessica Barker, Stone Fidelity. Marriage and Emotion in Medieval Tomb Sculpture (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2020).
  • Vanda Bartoszuk, ‘Monument of the month: Griffith ap Rhys – an important Welsh knight in early Tudor times’, in: Church Monuments Society (January 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘New Thoughts on ‘A Sixteenth-Century Workshop’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Christopher Peyton and Sir Robert Peyton’, in: Monumental Brass Society (January 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Thomas, son of Thomas Pye’, in: Monumental Brass Society (February 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Anne a Wode’, in: Monumental Brass Society (March 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: John de Hakebourne’, in: Monumental Brass Society (May 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: William and Margaret Att Wode’, in: Monumental Brass Society (July 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Eel Buttry’, in: Monumental Brass Society (August 2020).
  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Portfolio of Brasses: Cyriac amd Florence Petit’, in: Monumental Brass Society (September 2020).
  • Jerome Bertram (ed.), Mediaeval Inscriptions. The Epigraphy of the City of Oxford (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2020).
  • Richard Busby, ‘Alexander Nesbitt (1817–86): A Pioneer in the Study of Continental Brasses and Incised Slabs’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Paul Cockerham, ‘Competitive Commemoration in Late Medieval Lübeck’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Margaret M. Condon, ‘The death and burial of Bridget, daughter of Edward IV: a revised chronology’, in: The Ricardian 30 (2020), 101-11.
  • Robin Emmerson, ‘Lost Monuments? A Couple of Wedgwood Near Misses’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Brian and Moira Gittos, ‘Middleton on-the-Wolds: The Anatomy and Genesis of a Thirteenth Century Effigy’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Charlotte Golledge, The Graveyards and Cemeteries of Edinburgh (Amberley: Stroud, 2020).
  • Madeleine Gray ‘‘Jesu mercy, Lady help’: Medieval Tomb Carvings at Tintern Abbey’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Madeline Gray, ‘A virtual study day at Llandaff cathedral’, in: Church Monuments Society (2020), part 1  and part 2.
  • Martin Henig, ‘Dining in Paradise: The Totenmahl in Roman Britain’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Kevin Herring, ‘The brass to Abbot Heribert von Lülsdorf (1481) revisited: Kornelimünster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 144-June (2020), 875-877.
  • Jürgen Herzog, Die Grabmale der Stadtkirche St Marien in Torgau (Sax-Verlag: Markkleeberg, 2020).
  • Robert Hutchinson, ‘Piety in Peril: Sixteenth Century ‘Chichester School’ Monuments and a Case Study in Iconoclasm’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Frank Matthias Kammel, Katja Putzer, Anna Pawlik & Elisabeth Taube (eds.), Die Nürnberger Totenschilde des Spätmittelalters im Germanischen Nationalmuseum. Jenseitsvorsorge und ständische Repräsentation städtischer Eliten. Bestandskatalog (Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 2020. 2 vols).
  • Reinhard Lamp, ‘Enigmatic Anna: On the Slab of Anna von Mecklenburg in Doberan Minster’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Philip J. Lankester and John Blair, ‘The Medieval Purbeck Marble Industry at Corfe and London’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • John S. Lee, ‘Commemoration in Context: The Stapleton, Hathelsay and Fitzwilliam Chantries at St John the Baptist’s Haddlesey, Yorkshire’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • David Lepine, ‘Mount Carmel on the Marches: The Commemoration of Carmelite Bishop, John Stanbury, at Hereford Cathedral’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Helen Lunnon, East Anglian Church Porches and their Medieval Context (Boydell: Woodbridge, 2020).
  • Julian Luxford, ‘The Greatest Tomb of All’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Aleksandra McClain, ‘Symbols on Medieval Cross-Slabs: What have we learned?’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • David Meara, ‘The Brass to John Billingsley Seymour (d. 1843), Balliol College, Oxford’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk ‘“All that glitters is not gold …”. New Evidence on Precious-Metal Effigial Tombs in Medieval Europe’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020), 286-310.
  • Lynda Pidgeon, ‘Ties that bind: Cecily Bonville, the Nevilles, Lord Hastings and the Wydvilles’, in: The Ricardian 30 (2020), 69-100.
  • Ruth E. Richardson, ‘Elizabeth I’s earliest influences: new discoveries concerning Blanche Parry, Lady Troy, the funeral monuments and the Bacton Altar Cloth’, in: Court Historian 25:1 (2020), 31-50.
  • Nicholas Rogers, ‘Why St Jerome? A Note on the Iconography of the Great Berkhamsted Palimpsest’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Why are there so few Pre-Reformation Monuments in Cornwall?’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Who lies here: the tomb monument of an early-fourteenth century knight in Michelmersh church’, in: Proc. Hampshire Field Club Archaeol. Soc. 75 (pt. I, 2020), 56-62.
  • Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg, Gräber, Grüfte und Grablegen in Baden-Württemberg (Michael Imhof Verlag: Petersberg, 2020).
  • Charlotte A. Stanford, ‘By Land or Sea: The Fifteenth-Century English Pilgrim’s Choice of Route to Santiago de Compostela’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Christian Steer, ‘‘A tombe to be made over my grave’: The Parishioners of St Nicholas Shambles, London, and their Monuments, c. 1350–c. 1550’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Ruben Suykerbuyk, ‘The swan song of Philip of Cleves (1456-1528): innovative tomb sculpture and ducal imagery in the Ravenstein mausoleum’, in: Simiolus, 42:1/2 (2020), 5-36.
  • Michael Tavinor & Ian Bass, Thomas de Cantilupe – 700 Years a Saint: St Thomas of Hereford (Logaston Press: Eardisley, 2020).
  • Adam White, ‘Richard Hayward and the Henley Family’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Philip Whittermore, ‘The brass to Sir Brian Rouclyff (d. 1494) and wife Joan at Cowthorpe, Yorkshire’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 143-Feb (2020), 853-855.
  • Philip Whittermore, ‘Further testamentary requests for brasses in Suffolk churches’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 144-June (2020), 871-872.
  • Jean Wilson, ‘Sit! The Brydges Monument at Ludgershall, Wiltshire’, in: Christian Steer (ed.), The Monuments Man: Essays in Honour of Jerome Bertram (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2020).
  • Marianne Wilson, ‘Peacock feathers and pater nosters: the post-mortem identity of Sir Thomas Burgh’, in: The Ricardian 30 (2020), 131-67.

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  • Jerome Bertram, ‘The Tournai Trade: Flemish Brasses and Slabs for British Clergy’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 21 (2020).
  • Jerome Bertram, ‘The Brass of Bishop John Waltham (d. 1395)’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 21 (2020).
  • Philip Booth & Elizabeth Tingle (eds), The Brill Companion to Death, Burial and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 1300-1700 (Leiden/Boston: Brill, Dec 2020?).
  • Clifford Davidson and Sophie Oosterwijk (eds.), John Lydgate’s Dance of Death and its model, the French Danse Macabre, critical text edition of these medieval poems within the wider context of the macabre, including transi or cadaver effigies (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021).
  • Robert Kinsey, ‘The Brass of Sir John de Creke and Lady Alyne at Westley Waterless, Cambridgeshire’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 21 (2020).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘The two tombs of Bernhard I, margrave of Baden (1364-1431). Evidence and interpretation’, in: Church Monuments, 35 (2020), accepted for publication.
  • Nicholas Orme, ‘Schoolmasters and Pupils on Brasses before the Reformation’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 21 (2020).
  • R. Schmitz-Esser, The Corpse in the Middle Ages: embalming, cremating, and the cultural construction of the dead body (Turnhout: Brepols/Harvey Miller, Dec 2020?).


Reviews: Sally Badham, Paul Cockerham (ed.), ‘The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire.’ The Church of St Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, and its Medieval Monuments, BAR British Series 554 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2012).

  • Peter Coss, ‘Sally Badham, Paul Cockerham (ed.), ‘The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire.’ The Church of St Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, and its Medieval Monuments’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 18 (2013) 504-7.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Sally Badham, Paul Cockerham (ed.), ‘The beste and fayrest of al Lincolnshire.’ The Church of St Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, and its Medieval Monuments’, in: MMR 10 (2012).


Review: Sally Badham, Seeking Salvation: Commemorating the Dead in the Late Medieval English Parish, (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2015).

  • Peter Coss, ‘Sally Badham, Seeking Salvation: Commemorating the Dead in the Late-Medieval English Parish (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2015), 278 pp. + 118 illus. ISBN: 978-1-907730-47-4. Price: £39.95 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 225-7.
  • Penny Williams, ‘Sally Badham, Seeking Salvation: Commemorating the Dead in the Late Medieval English Parish, (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2015); ix + 278 pp; 118 colour illustrations; bibliography and index; £39.95 (hardback); ISBN-13: 978-1907730474’, in Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2015), 269-71.


Review: Jill Barlow, Richard Bryant, Carolyn Heighway, Chris Jeans and David Smith, Edward II. His Last Months and his Monument (Gloucester, 2015).

  • David M. Palliser, ‘Jill Barlow, Richard Bryant, Carolyn Heighway, Chris Jeens and David Smith, Edward II: His Last Months and His Monument (Bristol, The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society and Past Historic, 2015), xv + 148 pp., 2 maps, 86 ms. facsimiles and 68 figures, some in colour or part-colour. ISBN: 978-0-900197-89-5. Price £30 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 231-3.


Review: Ron Baxter, The Royal Abbey of Reading (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2016).

  • John McNeill, ‘Ron Baxter, The Royal Abbey of Reading (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2016) 376 pages, 50 color plates, 143 black and white illustrations. ISBN – 878 1 78327 084 2’, in: Journal of Medieval Art & Architecture 6-1 (2017), 183-189.
  • David M. Palliser, ‘Ron Baxter, The Royal Abbey of Reading (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2016), xix + 354 pp., 143 b/w figures, 50 colour plates, 5 tables. ISBN: 978-1-78327-084-2. Price £60 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 227-8.


Review: Jerome Bertram, Icon and Epigraphy: The Meaning of European Brasses and Slabs. 2 volumes, (lulu, 2015).

  • Julian Luxford, ‘Jerome Bertram, Icon and Epigraphy: The Meaning of European Brasses and Slabs. 2 volumes, (lulu, 2015); 423 pp. + 581 illus. mostly colour; vol. 1 Text, £22.50; Vol. 2 Illustrations, £64.50 (hardback); ISBN: 978-1-326-23129-3’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2016), 268-9.


Review: Jerome Bertram, Icon and Epigraphy. The Meaning of European Brasses and Slabs (, 2015), 2 vols.

  • Sally Badham, ‘Jerome Bertram, Icon and Epigraphy. The Meaning of European Brasses and Slabs (lulu, 2015), 2 vols, 423 pp. + 581 illus.’, in: MMR 16 (2016).


Reviews: Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries

  • James M. Murray, ‘Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, Do ut des. Gift Giving, “Memoria”, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries‘, in: Speculum 84 (2009), 122-123.
  • R.I.A. Nip, ‘Bijsterveld, A.-J.A., Do ut des. Gift Giving, Memoria and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries’, web review of: BMGN 124 (2009), 1-2.
  • StevenVanderputten, ‘Arnoud-Jan A. Bijsterveld, Do ut des Gift. Giving, Memoria, and Conflict Management in the Medieval Low Countries‘, in: Millennium 21-2 (2007), 135-137.


Reviews: Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds.), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum, 2013).

  • Transparant 24-2 (2013) 30.
  • Truus van Bueren, ‘Graven spreken, Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden, eds. Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan. Hilversum (Uitgeverij Verloren) 2013′, in: MMR 12 (2013).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Peter Bitter, Viera Bonenkampová and Koen Goudriaan (eds), Graven spreken. Perspectieven op grafcultuur in de middeleeuwse en vroegmoderne Nederlanden (Hilversum: Verloren, 2013), 256 pp., 21 b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 154-8.


Reviews: Llewellyn Bogaers, Aards, betrokken en zelfbewust. De verwevenheid van cultuur en religie in katholiek Utrecht, 1300 – 1600.

  • Martin W.J. de Bruijn, ‘Buurschap en gerecht. De ontwikkeling van twee samenhangende instellingen in middeleeuws Utrecht’, in: Jaarboek Oud Utrecht (2008), 127-154.
  • Llewellyn C.J.J. Bogaers, ‘Repliek: Wie organiseerde de straatfeesten in laatmiddeleeuws Utrecht?’, in: Jaarboek Oud Utrecht (2008), 155-162.
  • Martin W.J. de Bruijn, ‘Dupliek: Van binnenuit en van onderop of van bovenaf?’, in: Jaarboek Oud Utrecht (2008), 163-168.
  • Justine Smithuis, ‘Cultuur en religie in laatmiddeleeuws Utrecht’, in: Madoc 22 (2008), 185-187.


Review: Llewellyn Bogaers, Aards, betrokken en zelfbewust. De verwevenheid van cultuur en religie in katholiek Utrecht, 1300 – 1600 & Ch.H. Parker, Faith on the Margin. Catholics and Catholicism in the Dutch Golden Age (Cambridge Mass. Londen 2008).

  • Anne-Laure Van Bruaene, ‘Vrome daden en gedachten. Een revisionistische kijk op het katholieke verleden van Nederland’, in: Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 124-1 (2009), 57-64.


Review: Peter Bloore and Edward Martin (eds.), Wingfield College and its Patrons: Piety and Prestige in Medieval Suffolk, (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015).

  • Susan Powel ‘Wingfield College and its Patrons: Piety and Prestige in Medieval Suffolk, ed. by Peter Bloore and Edward Martin (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015) xv + 249 pp., 27 colour, 32 b/w, 10 line illustrations and DVD; bibliography and index; £50 (hardback); ISBN 978-1-8438383-2-6’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2016), 271-3.
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Peter Bloore and Edward Martin (eds), Wingfield College and its Patrons. Piety and Prestige in Medieval Suffolk (Woodbridge, the Boydell Press, 2015), xv + 249 pp., bibliography and index, 27 colour and 32 b/w illus. ISBN: 978-1-84383-832-6. Price £50 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 233-4.


Review: Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, and Mary Franklin-Brown (eds), Memory and commemoration in medieval culture (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013).

  • David Lepine, ‘Elma Brenner, Meredith Cohen, and Mary Franklin-Brown (eds), Memory and commemoration in medieval culture (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013), 354 pp., 59 b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 167-8.


Review: Douglas Brine, Pious Memories: the Wall-Mounted Memorial in the Burgundian Netherlands, Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History, vol. 13, (Leiden, Brill, 2015).

  • Julian Luxford, ‘Douglas Brine, Pious Memories. The Wall-mounted Memorial in the Burgundian Netherlands. Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History, 13 (Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2015), xx + 322 pp., 118 b/w and colour illus. ISBN: 978-90-04-28832-4. Price €105.00 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 240-3.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Douglas Brine, Pious Memories. The Wall-Mounted Memorial in the Burgundian Netherlands, Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History, vol. 13 (Leiden: Brill, 2015), XX + 322 pages, 118 b/w and color illustrations, €102.00 (hb.), ISBN 978-90-04-28832-4’, in: Journal of Medieval Art & Architecture 6-1 (2017), 176-182.
  • Kim Woods, ‘Douglas Brine, Pious Memories: the Wall-Mounted Memorial in the Burgundian Netherlands, Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History, vol. 13, (Leiden, Brill, 2015); xx + 322 pp., 118 colour and b/w illus.; €105; ISBN13: 978-9-0042-8832-4’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2016), 275-6.


Review: Maria Teresa Brollis, Andrea Zonca (eds.) Testamenti di donne a Bergamo nel medioevo: pergamene dall’archivio della Misericordia maggiore (secoli XIII-XIV) (Selci-Lama, Perugia: Pliniana, 2012).

  • Roisin Cossar, ‘Brolis, Maria Teresa and Andrea Zonca. Testamenti di donne a Bergamo nel medioevo: pergamene dall’archivio della Misericordia maggiore (secoli XIII-XIV)‘, in: The Medieval Review 13.02.03 (2013-2).


Review: Caroline Bruzelius, Preaching, Building and Burying: Friars in the Medieval City (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014).

  • Christian Steer, ‘Caroline Bruzelius, Preaching, Building and Burying: Friars in the Medieval City (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2014), xi + 205 pp., 40 colour and 40 b/w plates’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 175.


Review: Wim Cappers, Aan deze zijde van de dood. Funeraire componenten van seculariserende cultuurlandschappen in Nederland 1576-2010 (dissertation, 2012).

  • Review in: Historisch Nieuwsblad 22, nr. 2 (Febr. 2013) 23.


Review: Tobias Capwell, Armour of the English Knight, 1400-1450 (London: Thomas Del Mar Ltd., 2015).

  • J. Lankester, ‘Tobias Capwell, Armour of the English Knight 1400–1450 ([London], Thomas Del Mar Ltd, 2015), 308 pp. and approx. 650 colour & b/w illus. ISBN: 978-09933246-0-4. Price from the publisher (incl. p&p) £54 (UK, France, Germany, Italy); £64 (rest of the world) (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 238-40.
  • Nigel Saul, ‘Tobias Capwell, Armour of the English Knight, 1400-1450 (London: Thomas Del Mar Ltd., 2015); xii + 308 pp., numerous colour illus.; bibliography and index; £80 (hardback); ISBN 978-0-9933246-0-4, in : Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society, volume 19, part 3 (2016), 273-4.


Review: Matthew Champion, Medieval Graffiti: The Lost Voices of England’s Churches (London, Ebury Press, 2015).

  • Jennifer S. Alexander, ‘Matthew Champion, Medieval Graffiti: The Lost Voices of England’s Churches (London, Ebury Press, 2015), xiii + 253 pp., 16 pp. of colour plates. ISBN: 978-0-009-196041-4 (hardback). Price £12.99’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 243-4.


Review: Edward Chaney and Timothy Wilks, The Jacobean Grand Tour. Early Stuart travellers in Europe (London and New York, I. B. Tauris & Co, 2014).

  • Conny Bailey, ‘Edward Chaney and Timothy Wilks, The Jacobean Grand Tour. Early Stuart travellers in Europe (London and New York, I. B. Tauris & Co, 2014), 304 pp., 11 colour plates, 107 b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 175-6.


Reviews: Claudia Denk, John Ziesemer, Kunst und Memoria. Der Alte Südliche Friedhof in München (Berlin-München, 2014).

  • Rainer Knauf, ‘Claudia Denk und John Ziesemer, Kunst und Memoria’, in: (3/2014-1).
  • Marcus Köhler, ‘Denk, Claudia; Ziesemer, John: Kunst und Memoria’, in: Arthist (Oct 28, 2014).


Reviews: Anne Doedens, Henk Looijesteijn, De kroniek van Henrica van Erp, abdis van Vrouwenklooster (Hilversum, 2010).

  • Jan Brouwers, ‘De Kroniek van Henrica van Erp, abdis van Vrouwenklooster’, in: 8 (2010) 12, 8.
  • Cécile de Morrée, ‘De kroniek van Henrica van Erp, abdis van Vrouwenklooster. Ingeleid en bezorgd door Anne Doedens en Henk Looijesteijn’, in: Historisch Platform (2010).
  • Fred Vogelzang, ‘Nieuwe boeken’, in: GM Kwadraat 10 (2010) 40, 32.


Review: Daniel Dumitran and Marius Rotar (eds.), Places of Memory: Cemeteries and Funerary Practices throughout the Time, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica, 19/II (2015).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Daniel Dumitran and Marius Rotar (eds.), Places of Memory: Cemeteries and Funerary Practices throughout the Time, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica, 19/II (2015), 270 pp., colour illus. throughout. ISSN: 1453-9306.’, in: MMR 17 (2016).
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Daniel Dumitran and Marius Rotar (eds), Places of Memory: Cemeteries and Funerary Practices throughout the Time, Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica, 19/II (2015), 270 pp., colour illus. throughout. ISSN: 1453-9306’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 244-5.


Review: Maureen Daly Goggin and Beth Fowkes Tobin (eds), Women and the material culture of death (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013).

  • Julian Litten, ‘Maureen Daly Goggin and Beth Fowkes Tobin (eds), Women and the material culture of death (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013), xxii + 344 pp., bibliography and index, 77 b/w plates.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 172-5.


Review: John Goodall, Parish Church Treasures: The Nation’s Greatest Art Collection (London & New York, Bloomsbury Continuum, 2015).

  • Jean Wilson and Norman Hammond, ‘John Goodall, Parish Church Treasures: The Nation’s Greatest Art Collection (London & New York, Bloomsbury Continuum, 2015), 304 pp., 204 colour illus., 5 diagrams, 1 map. ISBN: 978-1-472917-63-8. Price £25.00 (hardback) / ISBN: 978-1-472917-65-2. Price £21.99 (ePDF) / ISBN: 978-1-472917-64-5. Price £21.99 (ePub)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 219-223.


Review: Andrew Gordon and Thomas Rist (eds), The arts of remembrance in Early Modern England. Memorial cultures of the Post Reformation (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013).

  • Andrew White, ‘Andrew Gordon and Thomas Rist (eds), The arts of remembrance in Early Modern England. Memorial cultures of the Post Reformation (Farnham, Ashgate, 2013), 29 pp., 23 b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 170-1.


Review: Robert Halliday, Suffolk graves. A history of Suffolk gravestones (Bury St Edmunds, Arima Publishing, 2013), and Robert Halliday, Suffolk graves. Graves of the famous and notable (Bury St Edmunds, Arima Publishing, 2013).

  • Roger Bowdler, ‘Robert Halliday, Suffolk graves. A history of Suffolk gravestones (Bury St Edmunds, Arima Publishing, 2013), 113 pp., 234 b/w illus. (…) Robert Halliday, Suffolk graves. Graves of the famous and notable (Bury St Edmunds, Arima Publishing, 2013), 100 pp., 144 b/w illus.’ in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 183-4.


Review: Elizabeth den Hartog, John Veerman, Edward Grasman and Dirk Jan de Vries (eds), De Pieterskerk in Leiden. Bouwgeschiedenis, inrichting en gedenktekens (WBooks 2011).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Elizabeth den Hartog, John Veerman, Edward Grasman and Dirk Jan de Vries (eds), De Pieterskerk in Leiden. Bouwgeschiedenis, inrichting en gedenktekens’, in: MMR 11 (2013).


Review: S.A.C. Dudok van Heel, Van Amsterdamse burgers tot Europese aristocraten. De Heijnen maagschap 1400-1800. Hun geschiedenis en hun portretten (Den Haag, 2008).

  • Redmer Alma, ‘Het belang van Maagschap’, in: Virtus 18 (2011) 192-196.


Review: Pernille Hermann, Stephen A. Mitchell, Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir (eds.), Minni and Muninn: Memory in Medieval Nordic Culture (Turnhout, 2014).

  • William Sayers, ‘Hermann, Pernille, Stephen A. Mitchell, and Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir. Minni and Muninn: Memory in Medieval Nordic Culture’, in: The Medieval Review (2015-01).


Review: Tadeusz Jurkowlaniec, Nagrobki sredniowieczne w Prusach (Warsaw, 2015).

  • Joanna Olchawa, ‘Tadeusz Jurkowlaniec, Nagrobki średniowieczne w Prusach [Medieval Tomb Slabs in Prussia] (Warsaw, Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2015), 415 pp., 278 colour and b/w illus. plus 3 double-paged colour plates. ISBN: 978-83-63877-66-8. Price PLN40 (softcover)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 234-6.


Review: Hadrien Kockerols, Le monument funéraire médiéval dans l’ancien diocèse de Liège (Namur: Les éditions namuroises, 2016), 2 vols. Ronald Van Belle, Corpus Laminae. Belgische koperen graf- en gedenkplaten 1143–1925 (Bruges: Uitgeverij Van der Wiele, 2017).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Border lines: two recent publications on tomb monuments in Belgium’, in: MMR 20 (2018).


Review: Karin Kryger (ed.), Danske Kongegrave. Selskabet til Udgivelse af Danske Mindesmærker (Copen­hagen, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2014).

  • Fabian Persson, ‘Karin Kryger (ed.), Danske Kongegrave. Selskabet til Udgivelse af Danske Mindesmærker (Copen­hagen, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2014), 3 vols, 1204 pp., approx. 500 b/w and colour illus. ISBN: 978-87-635-0781-3. Price €155 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 205-209.


Review: Jeannie Łabno, Commemorating the Polish Renaissance Child: Funeral Monuments and their European Context (Abingdon, 2011).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Jeannie Łabno, Commemorating the Polish Renaissance Child: Funeral Monuments and their European Context‘, in: MMR 10 (2012).


Review: Reinhard Lamp, Eines in Allem, Abriebe mittelalterlichen Grabplatten aus deutschen und englischen Kirchen (Lübeck, 2012).

  • Jerome Bertram, ‘Reinhard Lamp, Eines in Allem, Abriebe mittelalterlichen Grabplatten aus deutschen und englischen Kirchen, (Lübeck, 2012)’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 124-Oct (2013) 477.


Review: John S. Lee and Christian Steer, eds., Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, in association with Cambridge University Library, 2018).

  • Robert A. Wood, ‘John S. Lee and Christian Steer, eds., Commemoration in Medieval Cambridge (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, in association with Cambridge University Library, 2018) 193 pages, twenty-one black and white plates and eleven colour plates. Hardback ISBN 978 1 78327 334 8 £60.’, in: MMR 21 (2020).


Review: Phillip Lindley, The Howards and the Tudors. Studies in Science and Heritage (Shaun Tyas, Donington, 2015).

  • Jon Bayliss, ‘Phillip Lindley (ed.), The Howards and the Tudors: Studies in Science and Heritage (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2015), x + 118 pp., 105 colour illus. ISBN: 978-1-907730-44-3. Price £14.95 (paperback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 245-8.


Reviews: Richard Marks, Studies in the Art and Imagery of the Middle Ages (London, 2013).

  • Eamon Duffy, ‘Richard Marks, Studies in the art and imagery of the Middle Ages (London, The Pindar Press, 2012), viii + 845 pp., 456 b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 163-5.
  • John Goodall, ‘Richard Marks, Studies in the art and imagery of the Middle Ages (London: The Pindar Press, 2012); viii + 845 pp., 456 b/w illus.’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 176-7.


Review: Daantje Meuwissen, Gekoesterde Traditie. De portretreeks van de landcommandeurs van de Utrechtse Balije van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde (Hilversum, 2011).

  • Egbert Wolleswinkel, ‘Een ridderlijke portretgalerij als opvolgingsreeks’, in: Virtus 18 (2011) 207-212.


Review: Jaap van Moolenbroek, J.A. (Hans) Mol, Jacob Loer (ed.), De abtenkroniek van Aduard. Studies, editie en vertaling (Hilversum, 2010). & Anne Doedens, Henk Looijesteijn (ed.), De kroniek van Henrica van Erp, abdis van Vrouwenklooster (Hilversum, 2010).


Review: C.B. Newham, Book of effigies: photographs of selected recumbent effigies in English parish churches (DAE Publishing, 2013), and C.B. Newham, Book of effigies II: photographs of selected recumbent effigies in English parish churches (DAE Publishing, 2014).

  • Ellie Pridgeon, ‘C.B. Newham, Book of effigies II: photographs of selected recumbent effigies in English parish churches (DAE Publishing, 2014) (…) C.B. Newham, Book of effigies II: photographs of selected recumbent effigies in English parish churches (DAE Publishing, 2014)’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 167.


Review: Jan van Oudheusden, Harry Tummers, eds., De grafzerken van de Sint-Jan te ‘s-Hertogenbosch (2010).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Jan van Oudheusden and Harry Tummers (eds.), De grafzerken van de Sint-Jan te ‘s-Hertogenbosch‘, in: MMR 8 (2011).


Reviews: Michael Penman (eds.), Monuments and Monumentality. Across medieval and early modern Europe (Donington, Shaun Tyas, 2013).

  • Nigel Llewellyn, ‘Michael Penman ed., Monuments and Monumentality across Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Donington: Shaun Tyas, 2013); xxii + 298 pp., numerous b/w and colour illus.’, in: Transactions of the Monumental Brass Society 19-2 (2015), 177-180.
  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Michael Penman (ed.), Monuments and monumentality across medieval and early modern Europe‘, in: MMR 12 (2013).


Review: Gisela Probst, Die Memoria der Herren von Lichtenberg in Neuweiler (Elsass). Adelphus-Teppiche, Hochgrab Ludwigs V. († 1471), Heiliges Grab (1478), Glasmalereien (Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissen­schaft, 2015).

  • Harry Tummers, ‘Gisela Probst, Die Memoria der Herren von Lichtenberg in Neuweiler (Elsass). Adelphus-Teppiche, Hochgrab Ludwigs V. († 1471), Heiliges Grab (1478), Glasmalereien [The Commemoration of the Lords of Lichtenberg in Neuweiler (Alsace): the Adelphus Tapestries, the Tomb Monument of Ludwig V (d. 1471), the Holy Sepulchre (1478), Stained Glass] (Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissen­schaft, 2015), 255 pp., 156 colour and b/w illus. ISBN: 978-3-87157-241-8. Price €89 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 253-5.


Review: Markus Sanke, Die Gräber geistlicher Eliten Europas von der Spätantike bis zur Neuzeit: Archäologische Studien zur materiellen Reflexion von Jenseitsvorstellungen und ihrem Wandel, 2 vols + CD-ROM (Bonn, Habelt, 2012), and Ulrike Wendland and Elisabeth Rüber-Schütte (eds), Die Merseburger Fürstengruft: Geschichte – Zeremoniell – Fürstengruft (Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2013), and Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster, Aschendorff, 2013).

  • Joanna Olchawa, ‘Markus Sanke, Die Gräber geistlicher Eliten Europas von der Spätantike bis zur Neuzeit: Archäologische Studien zur materiellen Reflexion von Jenseitsvorstellungen und ihrem Wandel, 2 vols + CD-ROM (Bonn, Habelt, 2012), 1104 pp.; 219 colour and 431 b/w illus. (…) Ulrike Wendland and Elisabeth Rüber-Schütte (eds), Die Merseburger Fürstengruft: Geschichte – Zeremoniell – Fürstengruft (Petersberg, Michael Imhof, 2013), 608 pp., 434 colour illus. (…) Rainer Berndt (ed.), Wider das Vergessen und für das Seelenheil: Memoria und Totengedenken im Mittelalter (Münster, Aschendorff, 2013), 384 pp., 32 colour plates.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 189-91.


Review: Nigel Saul, Lordship and Faith: The English Gentry and the Parish Church in the Middle Ages (Oxford University Press, 2016).

  • David Lepine, ‘Nigel Saul. Lordship and Faith: The EnglishGentry and the Parish Church in the MiddleAges. Oxford University Press, 2017, xiv + 360pp.,50 black and white illustrations. £75’, in: Monumental Brass Society Bulletin 137-Feb (2018), 735-736.


Review: Cinzia M. Sicca and Louis A. Waldman (eds), The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance: art for the early Tudors (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2012).

  • Angela Smith, ‘Cinzia M. Sicca and Louis A. Waldman (eds), The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance: art for the early Tudors (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2012), 414 pp., 147 colour and b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 169-70.


Review: Charlotte A. Stanford, Commemorating the Dead in Late Medieval Strasbourg. The Cathedral’s Book of Donors and Its Use (1320-1521) (Abingdon, 2011).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Charlotte A. Stanford, Commemorating the dead in late medieval Strasbourg. The Cathedral’s Book of Donors and its use (1320-1521)‘, in: MMR 12 (2013).


Review: Nicholas Stanley-Price, The Non-Catholic cemetery in Rome: its history, its people, and its survival for 300 years (Rome, The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, 2014).

  • James Stevens Curl, ‘Nicholas Stanley-Price, The Non-Catholic cemetery in Rome: its history, its people, and its survival for 300 years (Rome, The Non-Catholic Cemetery in Rome, 2014), 156 pp., 5 maps and 85 colour and b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 182-3.


Review: Sarah Tarlow and Liv Nilsson Stutz (eds), The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of death and burial (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013).

  • Norman Hammond, ‘Sarah Tarlow and Liv Nilsson Stutz (eds), The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of death and burial (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013), 849 pp., 115 line & black and white figures.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 191-2.


Review: Elizabeth C. Tingle, Purgatory and piety in Brittany 1480-1720 (Farnham, Ashgate, 2012).

  • Sophie Oosterwijk, ‘Elizabeth C. Tingle, Purgatory and piety in Brittany 1480-1720 (Farnham, Ashgate, 2012), xvi + 308 pp., 9 figures and diagrams and 6 tables.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 171-2.


Review: Elizabeth C. Tingle and Jonathan Willis (eds.), Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Reformation Europe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015).

  • Peter Sherlock, ‘Elizabeth C. Tingle and Jonathan Willis (eds), Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Refor­mation Europe, St Andrews Studies in Reformation History (Farnham, Ashgate, 2015), xii + 219 pp., 7 b/w illus, ISBN: 978-1472-43014-4. Price £70 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 249-51.


Review: Sylvain Vondra, Le costume militaire médiéval: les chevaliers catalans du XIIIe au début du XVe siécle, étude archéologique (Nouvelles Éditions Loubatières: Carbonne, Oct 2015).

  • Claude Gaier, ‘Sylvain Vondra, Le costume militaire médiéval. Les chevaliers catalans du XIIIe au début du XVe siècle. Etude archéologique (Carbonne, Nouvelles Editions Loubatières, 2015), 224 pp., 58 colour and 316 b/w illus. ISBN: 978-2-86266-716-4. Price €50 (paperback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 236-8.


Review: Matthew Ward, The Livery Collar in Late Medieval England and Wales: politics, identity and affinity (Boydell: Woodbridge, 2016).

  • Tobias Capwell, ‘Matthew Ward, The Livery Collar in Late Medieval England and Wales: Politics, Identity and Affinity (Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer, 2016), 271 pp., 12 colour and 10 b/w illus. ISBN: 978-1-783-27115-3. Price £50 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 210-218.


Review: Adrian J. Webb (ed.), Ancient church fonts of Somerset surveyed and drawn by Harvey Pridham (Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, 2013).

  • Sally Badham, ‘Adrian J. Webb (ed.), Ancient church fonts of Somerset surveyed and drawn by Harvey Pridham (Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, 2013), xl + 192 pp., many colour and b/w illus.’, in: Church Monuments 29 (2014), 166-7.


Review: Howard Williams, Joanne Kirton and Meggen Gondek (eds), Early Medieval Stone Monuments: Materiality, Biography, Landscape (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2015).

  • Nancy Edwards, ‘Howard Williams, Joanne Kirton and Meggen Gondek (eds), Early Medieval Stone Monuments: Materiality, Biography, Landscape (Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2015), 279 pp., 90 line and b/w figures + 4 tables. ISBN: 978-1-78327-074-3. Price £60 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 224-5.


Review: J. Willis (ed.), Sin and salvation in Reformation England (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015).

  • Jean Wilson, ‘Jonathan Willis (ed.), Sin and Salvation in Reformation England (Farnham, Ashgate, 2015), xii + 282 pp., 7 b/w illus. ISBN: 978-14-72-43736-5. Price £70 (hardback; also available as an e-book at the same price)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 251-2.


Review: Ursula Wolkewitz, Die gravierten Messinggrabplatten des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts im Bereich der nortdeutschen Hanse – ihre Herkunft und ihre Bedeutung (Kassel University Press, 2015).

  • Joanna Olchawa, ‘Ursula Wolkewitz, Die gravierten Messinggrabplatten des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts im Bereich der norddeutschen Hanse – ihre Herkunft und ihre Bedeutung. Erinnern – Mahnen – Belehren [The Incised Brass Slabs of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries in the Sphere of the North German Hanseatic League – Their Origin and Their Meaning. To Remember – to Remind – to Teach] (Kassel University Press, 2014, published September 2015), 318 pp., approx. 160 colour and b/w illus. ISBN: 978-3-86219-758-3. Price €59 (hardback)’, in: Church Monuments 31 (2016, forthcoming), 229-30.


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